Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Ginny?" He called again, nearing the end of the hall. He took one final deep breath before turning and glancing at the bottom of the stairs.

His voice broke, coming out barely above a whisper when he saw her crumple in a heap of limp limbs and bleeding from a gash in her forehead, a singular, limp arm wrapped around her protruding abdomen protectively.



"Ginny!" Harry bounded down the stairs, skipping three at a time. Hurriedly, he pulled out his wand and summoned a patronus. The silver stag shot out of his wand and turned to look at him expectantly.

"I need Charlie and Percy, they've had the most Healer training. Tell the rest of the Weasley's to meet us at St. Mungo's!" He barked, and the stag gave a quick nod before taking off.

"Shh, it's alright, you're okay," Harry soothed, brushing a lock of her flaming hair out of her face. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Tears wet Harry's face as he spoke in hushed and calming tones to Ginny, checking over for visible injuries.

"Harry!" Percy called from inside the living room, his voice raised with panic. Harry didn't blame him- it was three in the morning and he had just been woken up by a Patronus.

"Stairs!" Harry managed to choke out, emotion forming a lump in his throat that made it hard to speak.

As soon as Percy rounded the corner, his face turned a ghastly shade of white. He flew to his sister's side immediately and grabbed her wrist to check her pulse.

"What happened?" He asked, his face set in stone. "How did she fall?"

"She- she had a nightmare and then a panic attack- we got in a fight and... oh Merlin I don't know what to do," Harry finally let emotion wash over him, and his body was immediately wracked with sobs.

"Don't move her," a new voice barked, gruff and still sounding half-asleep. Harry looked up through wet lashes as Charlie hurriedly made his way over to where they were kneeling around Ginny's unconscious form.

"How are we supposed to get her to St. Mungo's?" Harry cried, grasping her hand that was resting on her stomach and giving it a light and reassuring squeeze.

"We just need to make sure she didn't hurt her back. If we moved her after a back or neck injury, it could paralyze her," Charlie warned, his face serious as he attempted to maintain a professional manner.

"Percy, you're better than I am at charms. I need you to cast a diagnostic one and see what's going on."

Percy slid his wand from the pocket of the sweat pants he was wearing as pajamas, and waved it over Ginny. From the tip of the wood, a soft light was emitted and covered Ginny's body entirely, holding steady until a slip of parchment appeared.

"Are they okay? Ginny and Lily?" Harry blurted, not meaning to let the name of their daughter slip, but it had just been a habit to call the baby 'Lily' since they found out the gender. And right now, he wasn't thinking clearly enough to try to hide the name or the gender.

Luckily, Percy and Charlie weren't either, and when they didn't acknowledge Harry's slip, he assumed that they hadn't caught it.

"The baby is fine, Harry. They got lucky. Ginny's going to need a few stitches from where she hit her head, and she's got a concussion, as well as a sprained ankle and some pretty nasty bruises, but she'll be fine. Nothing's broken."

Everyone let out a sigh of relief, but their attention was soon turned elsewhere when Ginny began to stir.

"Hey there, hey Gin. Can you open your eyes for me?" Harry knelt close to her head so that she would see him and wouldn't try to sit up with panic. Her freckled hand remained clutched tight in his calloused one and she gave it a small squeeze.

"Mummy? Daddy?" A small, muffled voice from upstairs called. Harry looked up and then back down at Ginny, conflicted as who to choose.

But Percy had already stood up, and gave a curt nod towards upstairs, "I've got Albus, you lot get to St. Mungo's."

Harry nodded and whispered an inaudible thank you as Percy disappeared, leaving Charlie, Ginny and him on the cool hard wood.

"I'm going to splint her ankle really quick, and then we can go. Make sure she doesn't try to go to sleep. We can't risk it with her concussion," Charlie summoned some tape and bandages and got to work on his little sister's ankle with gentle hands, his speed and precision as he splinted the ankle amazing Harry.

"Alright, I'm done. Do you want to levitate her or carry her?" Charlie questioned, standing up and taking a step away from where Ginny was curled up against Harry, mumbling unintelligible words and phrases into his chest.

"I'll carry her. She won't freak out as much that way," Harry decided. His voice was hard as he tried to regain his composure, but it wasn't easy. He was still extremely rattled by the event.

"Okay, I'll prepare the Floo," Charlie disappeared into the living room, and Harry turned to Ginny.

"Gin, I'm going to pick you up okay? We're going to go get you and our little poppy checked out, okay? You and Lily are both going to be perfectly fine, but we're going to be safe," he rambled, scooping her up into his arms.

"I'm sorry," she murmured into his chest as he stood. Her voice was so soft, he almost didn't catch it.

"Shh, no. Don't apologize. It's not your fault, it was a bad dream. I was being an arse about it too, I'm sorry."

"You're not stupid," she whispered, snuggling into his chest. "I love you."

"I love you too, and I know you're tired but don't go to sleep yet okay?" Harry gave her a gentle shake to wake her up again, and she opened her eyes.

"We're about to go through the Floo, hold on," Harry warned and Ginny buried her face into his chest to avoid the switch from the dim room to the harsh fluorescent lights of the St. Mungo's emergency center.

The next several minutes were a blur for everyone. Harry let a team of Healers and Medi-witches take Ginny back into an examination room while he had to sit and fill out paperwork and answer questions from a bored receptionist who had nothing better to do than question him about his past.

"Oi! Mate, what happened? Hey, sod off would you?" Ron asked, hopping though the flames and pulling Harry away from the irritating receptionist, giving her a dirty look as he guided Harry to a set of chairs in the corner- out of view of the nosy woman.

Harry gave Ron a brief rundown of what had happened, and by the end of it, he was swallowing back tears once more. Ron patted his back, wearing a somber expression.

"It's going to be alright. She's tough, she'll be fine," Ron comforted, but it was still his little sister. There was only so much reassuring he could do, because he himself was terrified.

"Mr. Potter?" A Healer called, glancing up from her clipboard and looking around the waiting room. Harry stood up and wiped his slick palms on his trousers, not caring at all that he was still in an oversized shirt and boxers that he had been sleeping in.

The Healer spotted Harry and walked over to him, wearing a tight lipped smile.

"How is Ginny? How's the baby?" Harry asked, and the Healer gave him a sympathetic look.

"You were very lucky Mr. Potter. They both came out relatively okay, all things considering. Your baby girl is healthy as can be, and Mrs. Potter is just a bit battered and bruised, but she will heal quickly. You can go see them now if you'd like."

Harry sighed, relieved. He'd never been so happy to hear news from a Healer in his life.

"Thank you," he murmured exhaustedly, all of the night's emotions and stress finally catching up with him.

But everything was going to be fine, because Ginny and Lily were okay.

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