Chapter Thirty

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(One month later-- 6 months pregnant)

"Come along boys, let's go," Ginny grasped James and Albus' hands, guiding them down the sidewalk in Diagon Alley.

"Mummy, can we get ice cream?" James asked, and Albus' face lit up at the mention of his favorite sweet.

Ginny bit her lip, contemplating. She wasn't done with her shopping, and she knew that as soon as she bought the boys ice cream, she could kiss the good behavior goodbye. But on the other hand, they were passing the creamery now, and her ankles were so swollen in the heat that it almost didn't seem worth it to walk all the way back when they were finished.

"Please mummy!" James pleaded, clasping his hands together in front of his chest in a begging manner. Ginny wondered if he had learned that at school, or from some of his family members.

"Aww, I'll buy you some ice cream little guy."

Ginny whipped around at the sound of the unfamiliar man's voice, pulling the boys closer to her body and positioning herself in front of them slightly.

"Ice cream?" Albus asked, eyes gleaming, and he stepped towards the man.

"Your very own!" The man responded with a freakily large grin.

"Albus," Ginny scolded in a warning voice, pushing him behind her again.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Potter, I understand if you don't want the boys to have sugar this close to supper."

"Mummy!" James cried, looking up at her with puppy dog eyes.

"What do you want with us?" Ginny growled, holding both boys behind her now, as they were both pushing to see around her.

"I just wanted an interview with the great Ginny Weasley Potter," the man replied."I'm an intern with The Guardian. Just one interview with you, and I'll buy your boys some ice cream, now doesn't that sound nice?"

"We're not interested," Ginny snarled, grabbing James and Albus and pulling them away from the man. But suddenly, James was yanked out of her grasp, yelping at the force of the pull.

Ginny whipped around to where James was whimpering in the man's tight grip, trying to pull away. The intern looked just as surprised as Ginny and James did, but his face quickly hardened.

"Just one interview Mrs. Potter," he spoke, voice taut and resentful. "Tell us, how does it feel to be so fertile when your friend Ms. Granger-Weasley has suffered to concei-"

He was cut off suddenly as a painful stinging hex was delivered to his shoulder of the arm that was holding James. Startled, he let go as another hex was sent to his leg.

"Slag!" The man screamed, another hex hitting him in the shoulder again as he reached for James, who was running towards his mother.

"You do not touch my children, is that clear?" Ginny stormed towards the man until she was within inches of his face.

The intern cowered with a small nod.

"I said, is. That. Clear?" Ginny growled, now seeming to tower over the man.

"Y-yes ma'am," he replied.

"Now leave," Ginny gritted her teeth, trying to count to ten like Hermione had suggested to Ron when he got frustrated.

The reporter nodded his head fervently and turned, bolting down the street in the opposite direction.

As soon as he was out of sight, all adrenaline seemed to leave Ginny. She turned to where James and Albus were standing, heart sinking when she saw James clutching his arm and crying.

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