Chapter Fifteen

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(A/N: a few things to note before you begin this chapter is that this is after another time jump, and it is now October 31, 2007. Hermione is around 7 1/2 to 8 months pregnant. Also, I apologize for being absent for a bit! I hope you enjoy and thank you for reading!!!)

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"Are you sure you want to go, Harry? It's a Tuesday night and we have to work tomorrow..." Ginny began.

"Come on Gin, it's a Halloween party. It's your favorite holiday," Harry pleaded, sitting down on the bed next to Ginny. "Dean and Seamus even found a babysitter who was willing to take 9 kids while the adults party!"

Ginny sighed. "Oh alright, but we can't stay there for very long. I pity that poor sitter."

"Well we know Dean and Seamus' kid is going to be the biggest handful- you know, with Seamus as a dad and all," Harry teased. "Besides, they'll just be a few houses over. We could be there in a flash if needed- WHICH we won't."

"You are very poor at negotiating, did you know that," Ginny teased, raising and eyebrow.

"But you said yes and that's all that matters. Now come on and get dressed. We have to be there in half an hour."

Ginny stood up and sauntered over to the closet, grabbing a long-sleeve shirt with the word 'boo' written on the pocket. It was something she had bought in a tourist shop a few weeks ago when she saw it, but she found it cute and got it. 

After she had slipped into some comfortable skinny jeans and a pair of black flats, she walked over to the vanity to tidy up her short hair. It was now brushing just above her shoulders, and she had let it dry wavy today, so all she had to do was pin a strand back. Since she had already applied makeup today, she was ready. 

"Finally," Harry teased as she walked out of the bathroom. 

"That was not even five minutes," she replied defensively, and Harry laughed.

"We'd better get going, we don't want to be late," Harry said, standing up from the bed.

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An hour later, Ginny and Harry were holding bottles of firewhisky and were pleasantly chatting with Dean, Seamus and a few other people they'd never met.

"-And then his cauldron blew up and when I saw his face in that moment, I knew I was not fully straight," Dean chuckled, taking a swig of his firewhisky and wrapping his arm around Seamus' shoulder.

"He broke up with me the next morning," Ginny chuckled, taking a sip of her own drink. Harry laughed and wrapped his arm around her waist, and she stood up on her tip toes to kiss him. "Little did I know that this one had been jealous the entire time."

Harry's cheeks flushed bright red, but he grinned. "I was just terrified of Ron."

Everyone laughed, and a hand appeared on Harry's shoulder.

"As you should have been," Ron teased, giving Harry a friendly grin. "Although I would have been more afraid of Fred and George."

"Oh stop it," Ginny jokingly swatted at Ron. "Nobody had anything against Harry and were happy to welcome him into the family."

"Except to them it was like I was already in the family!" Harry exclaimed and everyone chuckled.

They continued chatting and laughing lightly, drinking bottle after bottle of firewhisky. ­

An hour later and everyone was drunk, save Hermione and Ron, who hated firewhisky.

"Harry, Ginny, we're going to head home. My feet are killing me and we're getting tired," Hermione told them.

"M'kay," Ginny mumbled, her words slurred a bit because of the alcohol. Hermione frowned.

"How about the boys stay with us for the night? We'll go pick them up along with Rose," Hermione suggested.

"That'd be great, 'Mione," Ginny smiled, hugging Hermione. Harry came over and kissed Ginny passionately. Hermione cleared her throat and the kiss began to get more passionate.

"Alright, well I suppose I'll see you tomorrow," Hermione grumbled, turning and walking towards Ron.

"We're taking the boys," she whispered to Ron, and they both glanced over at Harry and Ginny who were now entangled in one another.

"Should we stop them?" Ron asked, instantly feeling protective over his little sister.

"Leave them. They don't get to go out very often," Hermione placed a hand on his chest. When she turned around to check on her friends, they were gone.

Ginny grabbed Harry's hand and pulled him down the hallway and into an open bedroom. She pushed him onto the bed and stripped her shirt off, and Harry unbuckled his belt and they continued to strip until there was a pile of clothes on the floor.

Without thinking about anything else, Harry and Ginny made love passionately.

"I love you so much," Harry whispered in Ginny's ear, nipping at her neck playfully.

"I love you too," she panted, kissing him gently all over his neck and chest.

A knock at the door interrupted them right before they were about to go for a second round.

"Just a minute!" Harry called, grabbing his pants and throwing Ginny's clothes to her. They both quickly dressed and Harry casually opened the door.

Dean and Seamus stood there, eyebrows raised with an amused look on their faces. Dean waved his wand at the two, casting a sobering charm, and immediately, Harry and Ginny looked at each other, eyes wide.

"I believe you're in our bedroom," Seamus grinned, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shit," Ginny covered her mouth. "I'm so sorry."

She waved her wand at the bed, repeatedly whispering "scourgify" with embarrassment.

Dean and Seamus burst out laughing at the look on their friend's faces.

"Don't worry about it," Dean laughed, "our room is down the hall. We just wanted to see what you're reaction would be."

Harry didn't anyone's face could be as red as his probably was at that moment, until he looked at Ginny who's face was just as fiery red as her hair.

"You kids have fun, but just so you know, everyone else has left and we're going to bed. Goodnight," Seamus chuckled as he pulled Dean down the hall and into their bedroom, slamming the door behind them.

"Did we just...?" Harry asked, looking at Ginny, eyes wide.

"We did..." The same looked passed between the two of them, before they burst out laughing.

"Did you see the look on Seamus' face?" Harry asked, tears of laughter springing to his eyes. Ginny laughed, before a mischievous look passed over her face.

"What?" Harry asked, narrowing his eyes in anticipation for Ginny's answer.

"Ron and Hermione took the kids for the night. Wanna go home and go again?" Ginny asked, biting her lip as she waited for Harry to answer.

"Hell yes."

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