Chapter Thirteen

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The warm May breeze blew the curtains gently, as Ginny stood at the counter, dicing up some fresh fruit for a fruit salad to take to the brunch. She waved her wand lazily at the ingredients that were all set up in a bowl on the counter and they began to all mix together to create the sweet dressing.

She was finishing slicing a strawberry when a pair of strong arms wrapped around her waist. Harry buried his face in her neck and Ginny set the knife down so she could place her hands on his arms. She leaned gently into his embrace and closed her eyes.

The sound of laughter floated through the open window from the backyard where both Albus and James were playing with Snuffles in a game where they made him chase them.

"How did I get so lucky?" Harry asked, resting his chin on top of Ginny's head. "I've got a beautiful wife and two amazing boys."

"And don't forget your big fur baby," Ginny teased. Ever since they had gotten Snuffles, Harry had been quite connected to the dog. While Snuffles loved both of the boys and Ginny, he and Harry had a special bond, and he even slept at the foot of the bed(or at least that's where he began at the beginning of the night-- he would often end up on top of Harry or between the two of them).

"Ah yes, we can't forget Sir Snuffles," Harry chuckled, using the nickname the boys had given him when they were playing the other day.

"Mum actually asked if we would be willing to bring him over for brunch today. Now that he's house trained a bit more and knows how to play nicely with the kids, she thought the kids would love to play with him.

"As long as she's sure she wants to add to the chaos," Harry laughed.

Ginny grabbed her wand off of the counter and waved it at the fruit that she had cut up, and it flew into a bowl. She then charmed the dressing to drizzle its self evenly over the fruit so it could add to the sweetened flavor.

"I'm going to go get ready for brunch, and then we can go," she pecked Harry on the cheek and pranced upstairs.

For some reason, she had been in a really good mood recently, and it was only encouraged by a deep gut feeling that something good was going to happen.

She grabbed a sundress from the closet, as today was a perfect spring day and she knew that they would be eating outside. The dress was a pale blue with yellow sunflowers on it, and she grinned as she put it on and spun around, the dress swirling around her legs.

"You're so beautiful, did you know that?" Harry commented, leaning against the doorframe, admiring his wife as she danced around their room.

Ginny blushed, her cheeks turning a bright red. To think, 10 years ago she would have been so excited and embarrassed to be called beautiful by THE Harry Potter. But now, they were married, had two amazing sons and she knew he was the humblest person ever- it could just make her head spin.

"Are you ready to go?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, let me just fix my hair a bit. Shouldn't take long though, since there's not much there," Ginny laughed. She ran her hand through her hair, which was now about chin length. She stepped into the bathroom and grabbed a few hair clips and pinned back the front strand before tucking a strand behind her ear and calling it good.

After sliding on a pair of sandals, she walked downstairs and where Harry was standing with the boys, perfectly clean and tidied up, and Snuffles on the bright red leash they had bought for him to match his collar.

"I see you all are ready," she laughed, picking up Albus and placing him on her hip as she made her way to the kitchen to grab the fruit salad.

"Andromeda just called and asked if we could take Teddy for the week, and the boys are excited," Harry explained as she reappeared.

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