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Please note that this is not an actual chapter, and I'm sorry that I have not posted in a while! I was on a role with my updating last week, but then I just stopped and I felt like I owed an explanation. If you don't care, just ignore this update and I promise I will get a new chapter to you SOON!

I was on my spring break as of two weeks ago tomorrow. I was doing great on updating until Wednesday, when I got my wisdom teeth out. I had fully written a chapter that day because I was bored and I felt like I was aware enough and okay enough to write.

Boy how I was wrong.

I had written this vital chapter for the story while I was so drugged out on pain meds, and I went back and read it when I was off of the medicine, and It. Made. Absolutely. No. Sense. Whatsoever. It was kind of hilarious how out of it I was when I wrote it, because while I didn't have the laughing gas that made me weird and writing random stuff, my writing actually sucked XD !

So I erased it all and started from scratch, but then I was facing some technology issues. My computer started to be all finnicky, and my dad who normally helps me with all of my computer problems, was out of town so he couldn't help me. So instead, I used my family's laptop to work on school stuff only, which I had a TON of.

And then there was an issue with Google where I lost over half of my essay that I had been writing for my math class, and it erased all of my data that I had logged, all of my equations I had typed (which for any of you who have written equations on Google, you know how tedious and aggravating it is), and all of my math processes that I had typed out.

Add in the death of a family member. My great aunt passed away so we had funeral and visitation and family stuff to deal with that lasted the span of that week, and I was not in the mood for writing after all of that.

And now we are here, trying so hard to write but struggling with the writer's block and then realizing that I have an assignment coming up that I need to work on instead of writing because UGH PRIORITIES.

So anyway, that's what I've been dealing with recently, so thank you for those of you that have been supportive and patient while waiting for the next update. As soon as I get it out there, I will take this down and everything will be dandy, but I just felt as though I needed to update you all on how everything has been going and that I'm not just blowing off this story. There will be more, I promise!!! I enjoy writing it, I just need to pick up the pace and make it a bit more exciting, both for my sake and for yours.

As always, thank you for reading, and I hope you will continue to enjoy!

Much love,


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