Chapter Thirty Four

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Sunlight streamed through the curtains, the brightness waking Ginny slowly. With a deep breath in, she opened her eyes and glanced around.

Beside her, Harry was asleep in the armchair, and Lily was lying in her bassinette, awake, but content and fascinated with spot on the ceiling.

Pushing the covers off of her, Ginny sat up with a wince. She was sore everywhere, but she knew that she needed to nurse before Lily became too fussy.

"Hey baby girl," Ginny smiled, lowering her arms into the bassinette and carefully picking up her daughter and holding her against her shoulder.

Beside her, Harry stirred in the chair before she saw his brilliantly green eyes flash open.

"Good morning," he yawned, giving his wife and daughter an adoring smile.

"Good morning," Ginny returned the smile, briefly looking at Harry before turning her attention back to Lily.

"She's got the Weasley trademark hair," Harry stated with a grin as Ginny sat back down on the bed. She unbuttoned the flap on her gown and coached Lily into latching, before relaxing while her daughter fed.

"How are you feeling this morning?" Harry asked, standing up and transferring from the arm chair to on the bed beside his wife.

"Pretty tired and sore, but I'm happy," she replied, smiling down at her daughter, who was furiously drinking, eyes fluttering shut.

"Do you need anything? I can go grab you some breakfast, if you'd like-" Harry paused, a broad grin spreading across his face. "Or I can ask your mum to bring some when she comes in an hour."

Ginny could practically feel herself begin to salivate at the thought of some of her mum's cranberry scones that were always present at the Burrow.

"Scones?" Harry chuckled, noticing the look of anticipation and thought that passed over Ginny's face.

"Please," Ginny moaned, eyes closing at the thought of the breakfast pastry.

"I'll send her a message," Harry smiled. He extended his hand to Lily's head, and ran his thumb across the top of her head, feeling the soft tuft of hair.

"With that head of hair, I'm sure the heart burn was something terrible," a voice said from the doorway. Both Harry and Ginny turned, smiles broadening when they saw McGonagall standing there, holding a small stuffed animal in one hand.

"Minnie," Harry greeted, standing up and ushering her inside the room. "Thank you for coming. Please, have a seat."

Quickly and discreetly, Ginny rebuttoned the flap on her gown. She loved her old professor like another mother, but there were some things she didn't want to share with the world.

"I brought her a stuffie," Minerva offered the stuffed bear to Harry, who accepted it gratefully and set it in the corner of Lily's bassinette, making a mental note to remember to remove it before he put Lily down in a bit.

"Thank you," Ginny smiled before looking at Harry, who gave her a small, encouraging nod. "Professor, would you like to hold your goddaughter?"

"I would love t- I'm sorry? Did you say 'goddaughter'?" Minerva's eyes widened as she looked between Harry and Ginny with surprise.

"No, surely you two had someone better in mind? Are you being serious? You want me to be her godmother?" She stammered with shock.

"Completely serious, if you're willing," Harry grinned cheekily at the transfiguration professor. Ginny carefully extended her arms and passed Lily into Minnie's hands.

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