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Her pulse couldn't be found. All that was left on the operating table was a pale body. Her skin was to cold and her eyes to hallow, there was no other choice then her being dead.

Her appearance was very peculiar even with the death features. Half her hair was cut short and as white as snow, the other half was long flowing pink that was only a little lighter than a flamingo.

It didint matter what she looked like though, all that mattered was that she was dead. dead, dead DEAD.

"DAMMIT ALL" screamed the doctor and threw all his operating tools to the ground. He had just gotten done stitching the body back up when she hit a flatline.
The doctor looked like one of those guys you'd find in a fashion catalog. Blond hair, blue eyes (if one piece boys had colored eyes),glasses, and just over all handsome.

The nurses in the room feared him but couldn't help but feel disappointed along side. It's a shame this girl died, her immune system, heightened senses and, over all control of her own body was nothing like they had ever seen or would have ever gotten to seen.

The doctor was breathing heavily now trying not to over react.

"Time of death 2:54 PM" whispered one of the nurses, triggering the doctor's rage again.

"I dont care whAT FUCKING TIME SHE DIED" he yelled throwing a
scalpel at the nurse.

The nurse screamed and ducked for cover but before the knife could peirce her skull a women in a white doctor coat/dress caught it with ease.

She wasn't at all fazed by the dead girl in the room.

"We're short on staff this week, sorry, next time take your angry out on the dead ones" she says sarcastically gesturing toward the lifeless body on the table.

"Noone dares lay a finger on that body, it could still have some value" he threatens.

"You've done all you could now go wash yourself off, you reek of blood"

"No I have to take care of the body first" he says starting to mess with his gloves clearly still to unstable to "take care" of anything.

"Lucas. Go. Take. A. Break." Says the women in a threatening way.

"Its doctor Hux to you WENCH"
They stare in silence at each other, both threatening to kill the other if they didnt compel. Lucas finally gives in. He forcefully took off his bloody gloves and slammed them on the floor, stumping out the room.

The women looked pleased with herself and turned to the 3 nurses in the room.

"Clean up and then take the body to the morgue" she commands. The nurses didnt question their orders.

The women left the room leaving 4 bodies, most living.

*perspective change*

There really is a light people see when they die, however, rarely anyone can turn away or refuse to go near it, this is how she pulled it off.

The heart is a muscle, unlike other muscles in your body you cant just command it to stop beating. Then how? How is this possible? The simplest answers? torture, time, sensitive muscles, more torture,and an uncontrollable urge to stay alive.
Stay alive
Staying alive was the only reason her heart started to beat again.

*Back to original perspective*

It had been ten minutes since time of death when an alarm went off in the lab.
Doctor Hux had just gotten out of a quick shower and was dressed when it happened.
He was shocked at first then a thought crossed his mind. He raced back to the operation room he was using and swung the doors open.

He smiled the biggest smile you would have ever thought possible. Inside the room was supposed to be 3 nurses and a dead body but instead was just the nurses lying on the floor unconscious and scraped up.

"Incredible" he whispered to himself.
The women from before walked beside him and looked inside confused.

"What the hell happened here" she said in the most non careing voice.

Doctor Hux looked at her and laughed

"we've been had, the bitch can even stop her own heart beat"

Ignoring the lady's confused face he looked to the ground and saw blood splattered on the floor heading toward the right hallway.

He laughed and started to follow the trail...

I hope you liked it, dont worry it gets more exciting as you read on. I do not own one piece or any pictures that I post on this story (I made up everyone in this chapter however). I am also not an expert in any medical field so If i get a term or something sorry! Also if you have a hard time picturing her look at Ava Max's hair in sweet but phsyco. Please comment and vote if you want.


The next chapter will say a lot more about where this story takes place and where the zombie girl is right now.

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