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Kona POV
"The...sea...finally! Resaunte..." I whispered looking at the endless blue. It's much louder then I expected and it shines in the sun. It smelled salty and the breeze was cool in my hair.

I could feel the crew's glaze on me but I didnt care I was where we had always wanted to be. Where we had talked about so many years ago.

Familiar footsteps were heard behind me but more tired then before.
"What is going on here" said a deep voice, the owner of the footsteps. I tore my glaze from the sea to my saviour. I don't remember much after I passed out in the closet so it was like seeing him for the first time.

He was tall, had raven hair, tan skin and piercing gray eyes. He wore a yellow hoodie with a smiley face and spotted jeans. He had his sleeves rolled up revealing tattoos.
I felt nervous,like he was dangrous ,the opposite impression his crew gave.


I felt guilty. I wasn't aware the crew was so Afraid of letting down their captain. After a moment the captain sighed and told them it was not their fault and started giving orders to properly dock the ship and make sure everything was fine.

The crew ran back inside the sub except for three crew mates, Kona, and the captain. They all stared at me and then the girl crewmate walked toward me. I started to back away but she stopped and put her hands up.

"We won't hurt you, we just wanted to ask you some questions, we can go back inside and get you some food" she said.
"Tsk, don't make promises Ikkaku" said the captain crossing his arms.

Ok so maybe I was wrong to think they wouldn't kill me now, I can't object I have no where to go and I can't swim.

The girl, that was named Ikkaku, didn't seem the be a threat but the other three were weary of me. I complied.
They took me back to the control room. They sat at the control table, while I sat in a lone chair a few feet away from them.

Besides the captain and Ikkaku there was two other guys. One had red hair and sunglasses, the other wore a hat that said penguin and it covered his hair and face. All three crew mates had the same white jump suit on with the same smiley face that was on the captain's hoodie.

"Ok well we can start with introductions. My name is Ikkaku" started the girl. I didn't say anything, she continued.

"This here Shachi" she gestured to the man with red hair.
"This is Penguin" I could have figured that out from the hat.
"And this is our captain, Trafalgar D. Water Law"

Shachi and Penguin said hello to me and gave nervous smiles. I gave half a smile back. Trafalgar was just staring at me blankly, almost bored. They stared at me again in silence waiting for me to introduce myself.
I wasn't much of a talker, the most words I've said to anyone in a while was to the Polar bear.


I kept it short to not waste their time. The crewmen looked like they wanted me to say more but I decided to act oblivious to keep from talking.

"Ummm, do you mind telling us what you were doing in the lab and why you were so injured?" asked Penguin.

And here I was expecting them to ask my favorite color.

I kept silent, deciding on what to do.

This place isn't normal, normal sailors wouldn't risk their lives for supplies, no these guys are strong. Not only that but ships don't have entire operation rooms. I think this Trafalgar Law is...a doctor. If that's true then I can't at all tell the truth, I have to lie, I'm sorry.

"I was a nurse for a very disgusting surgeon. He didn't have a value on life and anyone around him was his toy. He was just about done dissecting me when you guys set the alarm off. I was able to get away but not without a few wounds. I really am grateful."

I haven't said this many words in over 5 months! I just hoped they bought it.

"Ikkaku,Penguin, Shachi, go help prepare dinner." Said Trafalgar, not breaking his stare at me. The crewmates gave protesting looks but gave in.

Only me and Trafalgar remained and he tore into my soul.

" you remember what happened that night?" He said. I didn't remeber much just alot of pain and vague things like footsteps (the thing everyone remembers about a person!)
Trafalgar took my silence as a no.

"Your stitches had been stretched and torn, you reeked of hydrogen peroxide, and to top it all off that surgeon was chasing you down. I had to use my Devil fruit to get away"

Devil fruit? I thought. Just like Hux....

"When we got away I handed you over to Shachi, Penguin, and Ikkaku-ya. You three made it safely to the ship" he said, sounding relieved.

"And...and you?" I have said SO. MANY. WORDS!

"...Our original mission was to get supplies for some of my injured crew, you meet one of them, Bepo?" I nodded. I would kill and die for Bepo.

"I made my way back to the supply closet, the surgeon wasn't there and I was able to gather more supplies" he yawns and leans his head on his arm still looking at me.

"I made it back to the ship and for the past six days all I've done is treat my crew"

"Im grateful for your help really" I said, bowing a bit.
"Don't thank me, I didn't work on you at all, you just kinda...healed strangely fast and my subordinates stitched you up again."

I started dumbfounded at him. If he wasn't planning on treating me why did he even bother saving me?!?!

"But none of that is really important" he stands and walks near me.

"We are pirates, the Heart pirates, we are still in the first half of the grand line, I'm a doctor like the one who wanted you and you disrupted my ship" and to finish his speech he smirks sadistically and leans close "and you have no where to go."

He pulls away and I wonder if I kick him hard enough I can say that about him and become captain!!!! But I play nice and weakly, already knowing where this is heading.

"So Kona, will you join my crew?" He asks.

"" I keep it short.

Welp that was fun. I wonder who Resaunte is😏 and Kona never got food so she probably will next time. Would you have said no to joining his crew too?

Next chapter: A WARLORD, ME?

The adventure to the New world will begin!!!

Heal me (Trafalgar Law x OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum