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POV: KONA(7 days til Turtle fair Island)

After giving bullshit reasons as to why Ceasar would be on Turtle Fair island, The heart Pirates set course for the island. But he wouldn't be there. The only one who would be there would be Hux waiting for me.

I will spend the remainder of this week preparing for my departure. I'll spend more time with my friends.

I spent the day with Bepo.

"Hey Bepo!" I said, smiling at the large white bear. "Wanna fish with me?"

He looks suprised at my question but immediately agrees and hurriedly runs to go get two fishing poles.

On top of the dock, I sit on the railing while Bepo leans on it beside me. I look at my fishing rod and realize that I didn't even. Know. How. to. fish!

I slapped my idiot face then turn to Bepo nervously. "H-hey Bepo" I say and he turns to me. I point at the pole.
"Uumm...I don't know how to fish" I say. He stares at me and then his mouth drops to the floor.

"But you asked me if I wanted to fish with you!" He shot back. Comical tears ran down my face.

"I know, I know but I really wanted to spend time with you and I didn't know how else to!" I shout out. He looks even more suprised at me.

"You...wanted to spend time with...me?" He asks quietly. I smile and nod vigorously.

Me and Bepo had never really hung out together but for some reason he always appeared in my moments of solitude or in my most depressing states. Not to mention he was the first face I saw on the ship. His presence always put me at ease, so I wanted to spend time with him before...the end of the week.

His expression changed and I could see pink underneath his coat of fur on his cheeks. "S-sorry..." he says quietly.

My expression turns to sadness at his answer.

"But if...you didn't mind...then I...could teach you how...to fish" he starts again. I whip my head up and smile at him warmly.

He teaches me for the next 20 mintues and then we take to a comfortable silence as we fish. I soon got a bite and start to panic.

"Hold it still Kona!!" Bepo tries to mentor me but whatever had bitten my line was way to strong for me. I kept pulling the pole and soon the string snapped. I tumbled backward and fell. Bepo runs to me and apologizes alot but then stops when I start laughing.

We go back to fishing and 5 mintues later Bepo gets a bite. I watch and yell encouragement at him as he reels it in. Bepo caught a huge salmon fish. We high five and run to show the crew. Later that night we had it for dinner.

"Kona" Bepo says, sitting next to me while he eats his share of the salmon.

"I had fun today...mabye we can do it again sometime" he says genuinely. It hurts my heart but I say "yeah..."

5 DAYS Til
I spent the day with Penguin

"Soooo Penguin...how are things with you and Shachi going?" I ask while we were in the Rec room. He tenses and starts to choke on air.

"What do you mean? Everythings been fine, nothing new"

he says, flustered. I can tell he's lying but I decide not to ask personal questions. However, the reaction he gave to the question was enough to let me know everything was going perfectly in Shachi's favor.

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