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Kona couldn't breath. She couldn't feel anything. It was all to unsettling, especially for someone who could be described as "feeling to much".  

She slowly opens her eyes to a gradient of light that lead to a blinding beacon. She tries to look around more but can't. She was forced to look straight at the light. Soon a shadow appears. It was very tall and had long hair. When the silhouette came close enough for Kona to make out, she felt like crying. 

"Resaunte..." she says quietly. 

Standing there in the same clothes he wore the day he tried to save Kona. Resaunte smirks at her.

"You know there is a light people see when they die, however, rarely anyone can turn away or refuse to go near it...Kona its not your time yet." he says calmly. 

Kona almost broke down by just hearing his voice again. The blissful memories of her and her brother over flow her mind. 

"But...Resaunte I miss you so much" she says weakly. He doesn't respond right away. 

"I miss you too Sweet tooth...but you have people waiting for you back there." he says. 

Kona suddenly remembers what had happened a few moments ago. Penguin, Shachii, Ikkaku, and...LAW. Kona remembers that he is facing Hux just right after watching her die

Resaunte caught the worry on her face.

"You can go back and save them."

He walks right in front of her and puts his hand on her shoulder gently. 

"It's time to live Sweet tooth. It's time for you to be free." He says. His words hit Kona like a truck. 

She tenses and sighs. Her eyes were determined and serious. Sensing her resolve Resaunte nods and began to walk back into the light. 

"Hey...Resaunte-" she calls him one last time. He stops and turns his head slightly. 

"-I think I truly understand what you tried to explain to me that day...about being part of a family"  

He didn't say anything he just smiles and then continues to walk away, until he was a shadow and then gone. Kona felt herself start to move further away from the light until she couldn't see it anymore. 

"Thank you..." 


Kona could barely stand up straight as she held the sword firmly in Hux's side. She knew she hadn't been precis enough to kill him but he was going to be unable to fight from now on. Swiftly, Kona pulls the sword out from him and pushes him to the ground. He didn't fight back as he lands on his side. He screams in pain, unable to move. 

Kona turns her attention from him to the other man on the floor. He hadn't said anything, he just stared shocked out her. A disbelief-ly  expression on his face. 

After a moment Kona speaks first, "sorry, I didn't fill you in on the whole plan, its hard to talk with your neck snapped"

Law broke into a chuckle and then smiles up at her. 

"Yeah...that would have been good to know, Kona-ya" he says. 

Kona smiles but then her eyes rolls to the back of her head and her knees give out. Law, forgetting his pain, quickly gets to his feet. He breaks her fall and immediately starts assessing her physical state. He places his hand on her neck and examines it. 

Heal me (Trafalgar Law x OC)Where stories live. Discover now