Chapter 3

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Spider-Man swung onto one of the pillars in the large room and saw the Kingpin sitting at his desk, writing some things down.

"Writing your memoirs? Don't forget the hyphen between Spider and Man." Spider-Man joked. He had a long history of making funny remarks with all of his enemies.

Fisk pushed a button and said, "Get the chopper ready, I won't be long." He cracked his knuckles and stood up. But surprisingly to Spider-Man, he turned away from him and walked to the back of the office. "I'm surprised you made it this far. But your foolishness........ends now."

He then pulled out a little remote and pushed a button on it, and a screen came down in between him and Spider-Man. "Uh, you do know I can still see you right?" Spider-Man called.

Fisk rolled his eyes in annoyance. "Eight years of this insolence." he said.

Spider-Man was gonna say more, but then a loud noise came from one of the pillars surrounding the room. He turned to see the pillar reveal turrets, which were aiming straight at him. Then from the other side of the room, the noise came again, and another pillar revealed turrets that were also aiming at him.

"Oh, all for me? You shouldn't have Willie!" Spider-Man said, as the turrets started firing.

Spider-Man dodged the bullets and waited for the turrets to stop firing before, webbing one of them up. Then an idea came to his head as he gazed in the direction of the protected Fisk. He fired web lines at the webbed up turret, yanked it out of the pillar, and slung it at the screen.

"What are you doing?!" Fisk yelled in disbelief.

'What does it look like I'm doing Dumbo?!' Spider-Man thought to himself as he dodged the remaining turret. He did the same procedure and with the second turret hitting the screen, it shattered. Fisk was in a state of shock and rage.

"How is this happening?!" he yelled.

"What's the matter Willie? You seem angry." Spider-Man said with a grin on his face.

"I will destroy you!" Fisk yelled and threw the desk straight at Spider-Man.

"WOW! Like I've never heard that before!" Spider-Man said sarcastically as he fired a web line at the desk and threw it right back at Fisk.

It temporarily stunned him and Spider-Man took the opportunity to strike him with a series of punches and kicks. But it didn't last long, because Fisk blocked his last kick and took a swing at Spider-Man.

Spider-Man did a back flip to avoid the punch. But then Fisk charged and grabbed him, before slamming him through a wall of the office. And then Spider-Man was chucked back into the grand hallway, right through another wall.

"You are everything that's wrong with this city!" Kingpin yelled with a deep scowl on his face.

Spider-Man slowly got up and said, "I was gonna say the same to you."

The two continued to fight as they descended all the way down the building. Spider-Man and the Kingpin kept throwing punch after punch at each other the entire way down. Then once they had fallen into the main lobby, Spider-Man saw an opportunity and webbed the Kingpin from the top of the ceiling. The Kingpin was captured at last.

"So......should we kiss now?" Spider-Man asked as he hung upside down in front of the Kingpin. The Kingpin growled in irritation as he tried fighting out of the webbing, but to no avail. "Eh, maybe later." Spider-Man said as the police came in with guns drawn onto the big man.


Before long, the Kingpin was handcuffed and escorted into an armored car. On that very car, a certain web-swinging hero landed on it, full of glee.

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