Chapter 25

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Peter and Mera were back in Peter's apartment. "Thank god we're back. I needed a break." Mera said, lying on Peter's bed. Peter followed suit and laid next to her.

"You said it." he agreed. "First it was the recycling center, then the Sable fiasco, and now the Martin Li incident." he said, putting up a finger for each event that transpired today.

"It's nice to just lay here next to each other and not have to get up anytime soon." Mera said, snuggling closer to Peter.

"Yeah. But I have one last thing to do." Peter said, causing Mera to grumble in irritation. "Don't worry, you won't have to get up or anything." he added, chuckling. He pulled out his phone and dialed Yuri.

"Captain Watanabe." Yuri said on the other line.

"I finally got your evidence. Head to the F.E.A.S.T. center in Chinatown." Peter said.

"What am I going to find?" Yuri asked.

"A nice lady named May Parker, and some really weird stuff hidden in Li's office. But listen.....he's got another attack planned." Peter said.

"Where? When?" Yuri asked.

"Still working on that. But I think he's going to use something called Devil's Breath." Peter said.

"Sounds...destructive. What is it?" Yuri asked.

"A substance created by Oscorp. Possibly a bio weapon of some sort. I have a folder full of info on it that I'm holding onto. I'll send you copies as soon as I can." Peter said.

"Alright. We'll check his office. If the evidence stands up, I'll put out an APB." Yuri said, before hanging up.

Peter sighed and put his phone right beside him on the bed before laying back down with Mera. To his surprise, Mera was on her side, facing away from him in deep thought.

Mera took the opportunity to try and think things through about all the things she has to take care of. She was still debating on how to handle the situation with her father since the last time they met. Is she ready to face him again, or is she trying to persuade herself that she's not ready?

Not to mention the fact that Peter has expressed his love for her and that she could not find herself to say those same three little words back to him, both frustrates and infuriates her. Does she love him? Is she thinking that she loves him? No doubt that she wants to love him, but how can she be so sure?

But the thing that bugged her the most is how is she going to focus on all these things when these Demons are rampaging the city?! It only drives her to want to end their attacks even sooner.

"Mera?" Peter asked, concerned. Mera snapped out of her little trance and looked at Peter. "You alright?" he asked.

"Yeah....I-I'm fine." Mera answered, when in truth, she really wasn't.

"Don't lie." Peter said in a soft tone. "What's bothering you?" he asked. Mera looked down in utter silence for a minute. "Are you thinking about your dad?" he asked.

Mera nodded. Even though it wasn't entirely what was concerning her, it was still true.

"It'll be alright Mera." Peter said, hugging her. "All you can do is keep the faith."

"Hopefully it all does go well." Mera said into Peter's chest.

"That's the spirit Red." Peter said happily. Mera gazed up at him through her mesmerizing ocean-blue eyes, and displayed that amazing smile that Peter loved so much. "It looks like I'm rubbing off on you." he added.

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