Chapter 20

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The next, Peter awoke, once again, with Mera draped across from him. Only this time, he found that she was awake before he was, and had not moved an inch since she woke up.

"Well you take a very long time to wake up." Mera commented smugly.

"Morning to you too Mera." Peter said with a smirk of his own. "Long day yesterday, remember?" he asked.

"Oh yes. I remember. You well rested?" Mera asked. 'I swear if he says no....' she thought to herself.

"I am. It's very rare when I have a lot of sleep like this." he said.

"The price of hero duties I'm sure." Mera said, getting off of Peter and stretching. "So what are we doing today?" she asked.

But Peter paid little attention to her words, for his eyes were fixated onto her smooth lips. 'I'll bet they've got a good taste to them.' he thought to himself. Man was it so hard for him to resist kissing those lips.

"Peter?" Mera asked, waiving a hand in his face.

"Huh? W-what?" Peter stuttered, snapping out of his trance.

"I asked you what we were going to do today." Mera said, walking to the closet.

"Oh." Peter said, blushing a little. "Well.....we could go over to the F.E.A.S.T. shelter once we have breakfast." Peter offered. Mera seemed enlightened by the idea.

"Yeah. I haven't been there since when we first met with each other." Mera said, remembering the fun time she had helping and talking to others at the shelter. "I'd love to go back."

Peter nodded in agreement and got up to make food.


"Much better than flowers wouldn't you say?" Peter asked as they headed out of the apartment and towards F.E.A.S.T. Mera rolled her eyes at Peter's statement.

"I never should have told you about that." she said, shaking her head, but it was kinda hard to miss the grin that was plastered onto her face.

" probably shouldn't have." Peter admitted, grabbing Mera's hand. He didn't even have to think about it anymore. It just felt natural to hold her hand now these days to him. Though to Mera, she did her best to hide her blush from Peter at their joined hands. But she smiled to herself and squeezed his hand.

"How do you think your Aunt will react to us being a couple?" Mera asked, curiously. Peter detected a bit of nervousness in her last question.

"Are you nervous Mera?" he asked, looking at her. Mera looked away and said, "No. Just asking."

"Uh-huh." Peter said, not believing her. "Well, I know that she's really going to approve." Then a question formulated in his mind. "So.....are we officially boyfriend and girlfriend now?" he asked, starting to blush.

Mera looked in his direction. Her blush still evident on her face.  "" she stuttered, not quite knowing the answer to that. They've only been on one true date, although the Shocker and shopping experiences felt very much like dates in her eyes. "Let's get back to that question later." she said after a moment or two of thinking.

'That's not a good sign.' Peter thought to himself as they rounded the corner to the shelter. He then saw a flower stand over by where the shelter is, and glanced at Mera and got an idea. "Hey Mera, go ahead and go inside. I'll meet you over there soon." Peter said.

Mera gave him a confused look and tilted her head. "Why?" she asked.

"Just gotta check up on something. It'll be real quick. Go on ahead." Peter insisted.

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