Chapter 24

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The two landed on top of a tall skyscraper and Spider-Man placed Mera down. Mera was currently holding in her fury at the scene that just appeared before them, walking away from Spider-Man to the other side, before letting out a large huff.

"Mera?" Spider-Man asked, slowly walking her way. "Are you alright?" Mera turned sharply in his direction and gave him a look.

"Do I look alright to you Peter?" she asked, quirking a brow. Spider-Man looked away for a moment, before Mera continued her rant. "How dare she! First she starts shooting her blasters, and then she shocks you, and then she threatens you saying that she won't be so gentle?!"

Spider-Man then got very worried about the red-haired princess, and wrapped his arms around her. She tensed up at first, but after a few seconds she turned into Spider-Man's direction and returned the embrace. "That's it. No thinking about the mean lady. Just focus on us." he said calmly. He began to stroke her red locks with one of his hands.

Mera took slow and deep breaths to calm herself down, as she embraced Spider-Man's touch. "What would I do without you Peter?" she asked.

"Drown silver-headed ladies?" Spider-Man asked, pulling back a little to look at her. Mera rolled her eyes at his statement.

"No I wouldn't drown her." Mera replied.

"Good." Spider-Man said cheerfully.

"That'd be too easy. I'd throw her to the Trench instead." Mera added.

"Say what now?" Spider-Man asked.

"Well........she messed with my boyfriend, so she's gotta be punished for it." Mera said.

Boyfriend. That word sent chills down Spider-Man's spine. The butterflies in his stomach returned as he replayed that sentence again in his mind. Then remembered the other thing he wanted to talk to Mera about.

"Mera, what are we going to do now?" he asked, looking at her.

"Well, the Demons were handled, and I don't know exactly where to start next for looking for-" she said.

"No, not that." Spider-Man interjected, confusing Mera. "What are we going to do with you now? Yuri saw you, and now she's gonna be suspicious. And if I know anything about that woman, she is one of the most stubborn people in the world."

"Yeah, well so am I." Mera added with a smirk. "But I do see your point. I guess I could just tell her that I was born with water powers. If it's possible that someone could have spider powers, then it is surly possible for someone to have water powers, right?" she asked.

"I guess so." Spider-Man said with a chuckle. Then his mask began to ring. "Oh, and there's Yuri now." he added.

"Hey, sorry about the Sable thing. I should've told you earlier, but it all happened so fast." Yuri said once he answered.

"It's alright, we're still best buds." Spider-Man said.

"We're not best buds." Yuri said.

"Well that took a dark turn." Spider-Man said, looking at Mera, who only shrugged.

"Anyways, Sable has the mayor's ear and uncheck authority. We searched that address you gave me and found plenty of evidence of a bomb plot, but nothing that leads back to Martin Li." Yuri explained.

"I'm working on that." Spider-Man replied.

"One last thing, explain the hydrokinesis girl. Is she a threat?" Yuri asked.

"She's not a threat, unless you really piss her off." Spider-Man said, earning a whack on his arm from Mera. "She's just a friend I know that has water powers. No biggie." he added. Mera gave him a thumbs up in response.

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