Chapter 33

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Peter and Mera walked through the doors of the shelter and immediately bumped into Miles. "Hey guys." Miles said.

"Hi Miles." Mera said.

"How are you holding up with everything?" Peter asked.

"You mean with Li?" Miles asked. The two nodded. "Well, at first I did want to quit when I heard. But whatever Li did had nothing to do with all these people here. And then I remembered what my dad said. A hero's just a guy who doesn't give up, as long as it's for the right reason." Miles then looked down for a moment before looking back up. "I think dad would want me to stay."

"I think so too." Peter said. "I know he'd be proud of you Miles."

Miles just grinned and nodded. "Yeah. Thanks Pete." he said, before taking off towards the restrooms.

"You did a good thing helping him come here." Mera said to Peter. He only smiled in her direction and went on to find Aunt May. "She's in there." Mera said, pointing to the kitchen. "I'm gonna go and help out some people over in the main room."

"Alright." Peter said, giving her a peck on the lips, before heading off to Aunt May.

"Peter!" May said once he arrived in the kitchen.

"How have you been?" Peter asked. May looked to the floor as she moved to the counter to fix more snacks.

"I'm getting by." she said a little depressed.

"I'm not all that comfortable having you run this whole place all by yourself." Peter admitted.

"These people need help. If I lose a few hours of sleep then so be it." May said determinedly. She did have a point, for there are a lot of people who need aid, and with Martin Li now in the raft, now May was the one responsible for caring for them.

"So have you heard from Mr. Li since......" Peter trailed off.

May sighed and said, "No. But the Martin I know couldn't have done that. Whatever has become of him.....that's not the one I want to remember." May then formed a small smile and asked, " are things with Mera?"

Peter turned to her in surprise. "Things are actually going great. We-"

"Peter!" another voice called out to him. Looking around for the owner, Peter and Aunt May saw Mera sprinting into the kitchen. "You're gonna want to see this!" she added with an almost desperate look in her eye.

The last time Peter saw that same look, it was when those soldiers were chasing her in Italy, trying to take her out. Peter then instantly knew that this was bad. He and Aunt May rushed into the main room where the television was to see what the commotion was all about. The News channel was playing and a woman was reporting breaking news.

"A spokesperson for the police has confirmed that this truck was the one carrying the device used in the Grand Central Terminal Attack." said the woman. Then the news revealed photos of fallen Sable agents right in front of an armored car.

Peter was almost paralyzed by the sight. Thinking that the Demons stole the Devil's breath.....again. He looked at Mera, who had the same petrified look etched on her face.

Peter looked around to make sure no one was watching, before nodding his head to the right to head to the roof and change. Mera seemed to understand his actions and ran right after him before anyone could see them leave.

Peter changed into his Spider-Man outfit, and Mera changed into her green suit as the two went off towards the site. Both of them were worried to death, knowing that if the Demons got to that truck, things just went from bad to extremely bad.

The Princess and the Spider-ManOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz