Chapter 31

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Soon, Martin Li was contained and sent off to the Raft, and the Devil's Breath was on its was to Oscorp laboratories. Spider-Man and Mera were on top of a building, watching the spectacle unfold. He had already sent a text to MJ, letting her know that he had defeated Li.

"So you're telling me that one of the thugs peed his pants?!" Spider-Man said, laughing. Mera just grinned at the memory.

"Oh yes. And the dark spot in the groin area of his pants was all it took for me to realize it." Mera said, chuckling along with Spider-Man. "Hey, let's go to a more secure place. I have something I want to tell you." she said.

"Mera, we're on top of a building. What place could be more secure?" Spider-Man asked.

"A building that doesn't have a bunch of cop cars and civilians crowded around it." Mera said.

"Alright." Spider-Man said, once he finished leading her to the Colexco building. "Better?" he asked.

"Much." Mera said. She even looked calmer than she did before.

"So what is it that you wanted to tell me?" Spider-Man asked, taking off his mask and sitting down in the middle of the roof. Mera sat right next to him and looked at him. The sunset in the background blended with Mera's hair, and the orange glow on the right side of her face was a nice touch. And let's not get started on the orange shine the crown was making to top it off.

"I wanted to tell you that I've made a decision." Mera said, grabbing Peter's hands. She waited for about five seconds before saying, "I'm going back to Atlantis."

Peter's eyebrows raised at her statement in surprise. But then his face turned to sadness as he digested the message. "You're....leaving?" he asked.

"Yes, but not forever." Mera said, reading his face. "I'm going back to talk to my father." she continued. Peter's face perked up and a small smile came onto his face.

"That's great Mera. I think you should go too. Work things out with him." Peter said. "When are you leaving?"

"Now." Mera said. "I wanted to stay here to help you with the Demons. And now that you have defeated their leader and reclaimed the Devil's Breath, I'd say things are a little more calm." Her face then turned to worry. "Speaking of which, did he hurt you at all?" she asked concerned.

"Mera, I'm fine." Peter said, squeezing her hands. Mera's concerned face dissolved and was replaced with a happier look.

"Great." she said. Her smile then turned to more of a sad smile as she continued. "I'm sorry that I have to leave again, especially after just coming back. But I have to work things out with my father."

"I understand." Peter said, nodding his head. And then an idea popped into his head. "And Mera, when you come back, are you willing to go on a date with me?" he asked.

"Of course I am." Mera said. "It'll be nice to have some time to ourselves without having to worry about any Demon attacks." she added.

"Yes it would be nice." Peter said in glee. Mera leaned in and kissed Peter. "What was that for?" he asked.

"For being cute." Mera said with a bashful smile. Peter started blushing himself and looked down at the ground, before looking back up to Mera. "I have to go now." she said with a sigh.

"Alright." Peter said dejectedly. "I'll go to the building with you." he said, putting on his mask again. Mera nodded and got up and the two headed for the building.

By the time the two arrived at the building, the sun had set into the sky. Peter had taken his mask off and walked Mera to the hole in the ground. They turned to face each other one last time and embraced each other tightly.

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