Chapter 10

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It's been three days since Mera had last spoken to Peter. Ever since things went........tense between the two of them. Mera paced back and forth in the Atlantean throne room, thinking about how to approach this. For the last three days, Peter Parker has been dominating her thoughts.

How was she going to face Peter again? She had no idea on what she was going to do, let alone what she wanted to do.

'Do I just go up there and try to pretend that all never happened?' she thought to herself. ''ll still be hard for Peter to accept. Do I just go up there and end our friendship just like that?' That last thought made her stop dead in her tracks, and her stomach ached. 'Nope, that's diffidently not an option.'

Through all the chaos that occured, Mera had to admit, that she somehow felt gratified by Peter's feelings for her. But why did she feel that way? Why does she still feel that way?

Could it be that she actually does have feelings for him? And even if she did have feelings for him, they couldn't be together........could they?

Mera leaned against the nearby wall and sighed in frustration. "How am I going to get through this?" she said to herself. She gazed at the currently empty throne. Since Arthur was out doing king duties at the moment, Mera found quiet time throughout the three days to think.

But as she gazed at the throne, she thought back to something Arthur had said and suddenly perked up. She thought up of an idea to help her through this situation.

"Queen Atlanna!" she muttered excitedly, before swimming to meet with the former queen of Atlantis.


New York

That was a great thing to do for Aunt May. Today is her birthday, and Martin Li and the others threw her a surprise party. For Peter, it served him for more than one good purpose.

'Planning that party was a good distraction from......No! Don't you start thinking about it now Peter!' Peter said to himself. He has been trying not to think about Mera over the last three days. And that party planning helped fulfill his goal......momentarily.

Thankfully, he was saved by the bell, or in this case ringtone, by a voicemail from Yuri. Which means it's back to work as Spider-Man. 'Sweetness.' he thought to himself.

Now perched on top of the F. E. A. S. T. building, Spider-Man played Yuri's voicemail.

"Hey, silent alarm at the auction house holding Fisk's estate sale just tripped. Could you check it out? Quietly? I don't want to make a scene if it's nothing." she said.

"Fisk's estate sale? Well this sound fun. Wonder what the Kingpin had hidden in his closets." Spider-Man said as he leaped from the building. "I wonder if he's secretly into ballerina dancing." he said to himself, causing a laugh to escape his throat. That would absolutely make his day if he were to see Kingpin in a ballerina outfit.

He made a mental note to buy Adobe Photoshop later on.

On his way, another call came into his mask. It's Aunt May.

"Peter, I lost track of you at the party." she said.

"Uh, yeah. Had to head to the lab. I'm sorry Aunt May." he said, swinging higher to avoid anyone from hearing him.

"Don;t apologize.I just wanted to tell you how much what you said meant to me. I always wonder if I'm doing right by you." she replied.

"Well stop wondering. After losing my parents and Uncle Ben, there are so many times I would've fallen apart if it weren't for you." Spider-Man said.

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