Chapter 4 - King Arnoldus

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Prince Arwin knocks and a formal voice answer from beyond. The prince leaves without a single word of support for the new squires. Leaving them alone to their fates. Marilyn finds this very rude for some reason.

"Come in," replies a formal voice.

Lord Ashton opens the door and motions them to step inside. As he shuts the door behind him, Marilyn clenches and unclenches her fist to steel herself for whatever consequences will come as a result of her actions. What has she gotten herself into?

The four squires enters a simple room with three desks spaced around them. A single magical ball of light provides ample light for everyone in the room and makes it as bright as daylight in the room. So much so that she can see that the castle is build with a lighter shade of marble stone than her Uncle's keep.

One clerk seems to be hard at work with various scrolls, while a map of the kingdom lay open on the floor.

Lord Ashton waves his hand and the map rolls up by itself and drifts to a high shelf behind a man bend over a scroll busy writing, what looks like a lengthy letter. He is the most elegantly dressed with a golden crown pressed over his hair like a headband. Diamonds are mounted on each of the four golden fox head diamond-squares embedded in his crown and again rubies for the eyes. A royal blue sleigh hangs from his shoulders.

The clerk looks less elaborately dressed with a golden feather brooch on an elegant long royal blue swallowtail blazer over a simple white shirt and black trousers. The edge of the blazer is trimmed with simple yet elegant golden embroidery. He has light brown hair also bound in a neat ponytail and a rapier sword belted at his waist. He has brown eyes and is sporting a neatly curled mustache.

The four of them stand and wait for the king to finish his letter. Two of the squires became restless as the king seems to take his time to finish the letter. She soon realizes that the King is testing their resolve and two of them isn't doing too well. She shot the two fidgeting squires a venomous glare. It had the desired effect and they stopped fidgeting. Finally, after what felt like forever the king looks up. He has the same penetrating blue eyes as his son.

The king's eyes settles on her and she cringes inwardly. He narrows his eyes suspiciously as a rollercoaster of emotions plays across them. Surprise, recognition, suspicion, and curiosity.

"Good Morning, your majesty." She greets him and the rest follows nervously. Her own fear made her voice hitch. He nods at her with a gentle smile that also creases the wrinkles in the corner of his eyes. It caused some the nervous tension to flee. His eyes are both sharp and warm. He met each squire with a cold glare that made them stand on attention.

He comes to his feet "A good morning to the four of you as well." He replies with the same gentle warmth as in his eyes with a voice that also demands attention and respect. His eyes rest on her and for a split second, she sees a mischievous smile flash across his features.

He steps out from behind the desk to inspect the four young squires. He circles them like a starved wolf looking for an easy opening. She felt the hilt of her sword tilt backward as the king read her father's name on the crossguard of the hilt. Her heart hammers in her throat for a few moments. "What is your name, young man?"

"Sameth, sir." She replies in a mock boyish voice. The king came back into her field of vision and she sees a smirk playing on the king's face. "Marvin, take these three slouching squires to their designated barracks and I don't want to see them again until they can show their king the proper respect and have this letter delivered to the duke of Barenton. Sameth, you stay. The rest of you are dismissed."

The moment the door closes behind Mervin, the king's face wrinkles into a mischievous and broad smile, his eyes sparkling with mirth. Her own nerves nearly make her break down in a big puddle of Marilyn goo.

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