Chapter 12 - Small Establishment of Paladin Knights

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Marilyn walks quickly in the labyrinth of hallways in the castle. She now knows how these hallways work and don't need directions to know where she is going. The guards by the queen's chamber give her a nod as she passes them.

Inside the queen's chamber, she makes her way to the guest quarters. She shivers from head to toe with wrath. "I don't care who Grimston thinks he is, but I will never... gag... Galahad! That man is a pig!" Marilyn shouts to rid herself of the anger still boiling in her. She claws at her back to get to the straps holding the nightgown to the corset. She pulls the string with deft hands and moments later she peels off the nightgown. The corset and undergarments follow with ease.

Marilyn drags her armor closer and starts by throwing the chainmail shirt over her head with the rest of her armor following in quick succession. She pulls the pins from her hair. Once all the pins are out, her hair is free from the elaborate updo it was in. Marilyn sighs a huge sigh of relief when she curls her hair in a rough knot before covering it underneath the chainmail cap.

She belts on her sword. "Let's see if you dare call me a wench..."

"That pig!" Keera blurts from behind her, surprising Marilyn and she jumps in fright.

"I'll behead the fowl bastard!" Keera continues to rant.

Marilyn spins towards the source of the voice, with her heart pounding in her throat and finds Keera standing in the door. Keera slowly walks towards Marilyn like a cat stalking its prey. Her white hair in stark contrast with the semi-darkness of the room. "So Sameth is just a disguise to run from a pre-arranged marriage." Marilyn retreats a step but finds herself trapped by a four-poster bed.

"Don't worry I am not going to bite you." Keera says as she continues to slowly aproach Marilyn. "I would still like to rip Galahad's throat out for calling you a wench. He is a noble bachelor, but his manners are despicable. I still can't believe you are his fiancé. That man doesn't deserve you." Keera rants vehemently about Galahad as she sits down on the bed next to Marilyn. "I saw the whole thing. Nice slap by the way. I hope it bruises." She takes a short breath and continues slowly. "Let. Me. Guess. Your paladin journey began with a choice to marry Galahad or face the gallows for impersonating a soldier. Sounds more legit than your original story. Mad horse, pah! That story sounded suspicious from the start." Keera takes in a relaxed posture as she eyes Marilyn intently. Challenging her to deny the obvious truth that Keera uncovered easily.

Marilyn is slightly taken aback by everything that Keera said. She decides not to deny her claim and decides to tell her what the inspiration of her tall tale is. "You clearly have not met Grendelow."

"A magnificent horse, but it looks anything but angry or menacing. That horse stole my apple right out of my hands and it didn't even try to bite me. I did notice that he becomes aggressive towards a stable boy. It even nuzzled me." She rubs her chin as if a thought suddenly occurred to her. "Why aren't you like all the other meek little noble lambs of the courts? Any other girl would have been only too happy to marry into such a high social class."

"Those meek little lambs do not know the responsibility that goes with the station. My freedom is more precious to me than what they have to offer in return for a life where I always have to look prim and proper. That is anything but me. Give me a sword fight any day over silks and dresses." Marilyn replies tapping the hilt of her sword.

"How long did you originally plan on staying disguised?"

Marilyn shakes her head in disbelief. She knows Keera is interrogating her, to find the truth for herself. "The idea was only to use it to the next town or find a job as a mercenary, but a man named Milston made sure I stayed in the king's army, against my better judgment."

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