Chapter 7 - Prince or Damsel in disstres?

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Marilyn's thoughts are keeping her busy as Grendelow's hooves clops rhythmically on the stone path as the small group makes their way out of the castle gates with Prince Arwin in their midst. They are escorting him to another one of a multitude of social calls he has to honor. This time it is a tea party at one of the noble homes.

She feels more at peace ever she has been reunited with her father and after they had time to morn. He sold their home in Eastcroft and created a ruse of sending a search to find her. Of course they both knew this is all for heresy and to draw attention away from a green soldier named Sameth that have been assigned to Prince Arwin's protection detail. The nobles seemed more interested in a stubborn, selfish, and foolish girl that does not want to honor her obligation to go through with this pre-arranged marriage.

When Rickard discovered that she has an Amber warhorse he immediately placed her in very close proximity to the Prince as he has a white mare of the same species as Grendelow, called Whistler. The reason he did it, is because Amber warhorses are faster than other horses and if the Prince would be in any danger she can be at his side a great deal sooner than the rest.

A cold wind buffets them just outside the castle gates on this wet, cold, and dreary morning. Marilyn notably shivers from the cold wind. Even though she is wearing a royal blue winter cloak. Her armor is made of steel and to her dismay, she discovered that steel never warms up in winter. It stays cold even with her body heat.

"Cold?" The Prince asks a little concerned. Ever since the duel, Arwin has been treating her with more respect. Even when she made the stupid mistake of not oiling her sword for winter to make sure that it doesn't freeze shut in its scabbard. That day the Prince was also attacked by bandits and she improvised using her scabbard like a club to fight the attackers and knocked out a few with the scabbard.

"I'm fine, thank you," she replies in her mock boyish voice.

"You always look as if you cannot handle the cold. Are you sure you are warm enough? I can always go back," Prince Arwin tries to insist.

"Sounds like your majesty is looking for an excuse not to go to this tea party," Marilyn states.

"You are not going to tell my father, are you?" Arwin asks hopefully.

Marilyn chuckles. "The thought crossed my mind, but no. I have come to the conclusion you don't like these social calls. Especially if it involves the opposite gender."

"Are you stalking me?"

"I am one of your guards. After just two weeks on the job, it is very obvious. Not just that, you don't want to anger your parents and if you dodge it, someone is probably going to report your majesty's absence to your parents," replies Marilyn.

"If we are to dodge what would you tell my parents where I was during the tea party?" Arwin asks hopefully.

"His young highness was sidetracked by a friend," Marilyn replies also hopeful to escape seeing all the high society ladies throwing themselves at Arwin so openly. She finds it disgusting that young women would throw themselves at a man so openly. They gave Arwin very little to no private space and his discomfort is clearly seen in his eyes every time.

A smile brightens his face. "Ok change of plans. Let's head into town."

The guards breathe a sigh of relief as the Prince changes direction and heads into the city to a local gentleman salon. The commercial district of the city is a beehive of activity. Ralston guides the group well clear of the market place as he feels the market is too dangerous for the Prince with the number of people doing business. They travel through a high-class section of the cities commercial district, mostly frequented by the ladies.

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