Chapter 10 - Pounding Hearts

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"I am honored to be in the company of two such lovely ladies. My Queen, you have outdone yourself as always. Marilyn looks absolutely stunning. As the princess, she is on the inside." The king has a very big smile as he looks at the two women in front of him.

"Thank you, your majesty. You are too kind." Marilyn blushes, looking a little embarrassed by all of the king's compliments.

"That my dear is a complete understatement. You look as regal as my wife. Come, ladies, I don't want to be late for your birthday my queen," he replies as he holds out his arm for his wife to take.

King Arnoldus looks at Marilyn with great pride. She truly looks like a queen in that royal blue tabard. Queen Evelyn is dressed in a yellow and gold tabard and her royal blue cloak hangs regally over her shoulders adding to her stunning beauty and bringing out the beautiful hazel brown eyes while Marilyn's dress brought attention to her golden eyes and the soft pink blush over her cheeks. If Arwin lays eyes on her tonight he is going to fall hard for her. If he thought that Sameth's eyes are stunning then Marilyn is going to steal his heart tonight. His heart is pounding with excitement as he leads the two most beautiful women of the kingdom by his side.


The throne room and banquet hall are packed with guests from across the kingdom. Marilyn grimaces inwardly when she notices Lord Grimston from her vantage point on the curving staircase. From across her Prince Arwin also comes down the stairs gracefully. He looks quite dashing in the latest red long coat embroidered with gold and silver sequence. The silver diamond-encrusted sword hilt glimmers in the candlelit staircase. His hair hangs in their usual manner falling softly over his shoulders and in sharp contrast with his red long coat. She feels her heart pounding at the sight of him and for a heartbeat, she freezes when their eyes lock on each other.


Arwin freeze, stunned when he notices Marilyn. His heart pounding like a thundering racehorse and his mouth runs dry as words fail to form in his mind. He steps in behind his father and he is unable to take his eyes off the woman now standing behind his mother as her guest.

"Will you marry me?" He blurts and realizes to late the mistake he made. Her golden eyes sparkle angrily and fire flaming feathered arrows at him. He flinches as she retreats a step from him and her face goes pale for a brief amount of time.

"Can I have a kiss?" He feels his face burning up with humiliation. "Sorry, I meant can I hold you in my arms?" He tries dismally to rectify his mistake. He feels like he could throw himself into the nearest dungeon and throw away the keys.

"No, to all of them," Marilyn replies smiling at his predicament. She looks at Arwin in complete astonishment. How could he make such a huge etiquette blunder? He practically made just one mistake after the other in quick succession and his desperate attempt to correct himself each time only made it worse.

If the situation was different she would have burst out laughing at his predicament. The king coughs slightly as if clearing his throat. Marilyn could swear that Arnoldus hid a chuckle with that cough.

"What I mean is may I please hold your hand." She pulls both her hands behind her back as a clear sign that she means no. He really screwed up. Will you marry me? What guy in his right mind would ask a girl that when he sees her for the first time? He made a complete fool of himself.

I am a complete idiot. I have always been perfect in my manners. What was that? It was as if I forgot everything. Is this woman bewitching me?

"Thank you for the kind offer your majesty, but I think it would be better if I keep my distance for now, " she replies.

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