Chapter 25 - Trial by Knight

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It was as if everyone knew. The room becomes quiet as nobles begin to access the damage and inventory of the repairs. A ring has opened in the center of the throne room and Arwin comes to his feet helping Marilyn on her feet at the same time.

"What is wrong, my love?" Arwin asks Marilyn still holding her hand gently.

"This last trial is a choice I have to make on my own. Your father made it clear that I have until dawn to decide. But I feel it in my guide. The time to make that choice is now. I have to challenge Grimston to a duel. If I don't I will be forced to leave Ristheart forever. The choice is simple, but at the same time, another must take my place. I made a promise and now I must keep this promise. If I don't the dark magicians will resent me and Narine will lose her daughter. This is about more than that. The dark magicians have been ostracized because of what Agatha and her so-called sisters have done. But Narine is not like that. She is a beautiful person and she doesn't deserve this. She does not deserve to lose her daughter because of what her daughter did to us. Sabrina even went so far as to order her mother's execution. That's harsh and wrong. I am doing this not just for our love but also to show that all magicians have a free right no matter what element they have mastered. Sabrina needs to live and have a second chance to do things right," Marilyn replies.

"Then whatever your choice, I will accept and abide by it. You do know that what we have is also now in the balance," Arwin reassures her.

"Do you have any advice about Grimston that might help me in this fight against him?" Marilyn asks him.

"Well, he is a merchant knight, the baron of Eastcroft, and of course an opportunist. I notice in our fight that he looks for easy opportunities to capitalize on. Don't let his cool and calm demeanor fool you. In those calm periods the man is ruthless and calculating," Arwin replies.

"Thank you. Arwin, promise me that when if I win you will show me what it's like to love and I mean really love and be loved. I am afraid of the eventual deed but I know you will help me to overcome it. Will you ... " she sighs heavily at her inability to say the word when it matters, but another way comes to mind. "be by my side until death?" Marilyn's voice hitches a little. He looks at her askance for a moment before there is a flash of recognition in his eyes.

"Are you asking me what I think you're asking me? To marry you?" Marilyn nods with a blush burning on her cheeks. "Then yes. I promise to do everything I can to help you overcome our wedding. Now go and show Grimston exactly who the future queen of Ristheart is."

Arwin bends down and picks up her sword. "Seems like the black hawk dragons already knew where this is going." He says as he looks at the hilt of her sword.

"Are you angry at them?" Marilyn asks him.

"No, but I have faith that they are right and hoping that you will win, my beloved knight," Arwin replies.

He hands her sword to her hilt first. She takes it and he draws her into a passionate kiss. "A future promise for more, my fiancé." She turns around starts searching the crowd for her target.


Aranorn feels like he was hit by Bonecrusher's fists. The last thing he remembers is heading towards the armory for a weapons inspection. He crossed Sabrina in the hallway. He blinked and found himself in this condition. Now he feels so weak he can't do anything and his ribs are killing him. He coughs and blood fills his mouth. What the hell happened to him? His paladin magic should have healed him by now.

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