(4) Sleeping Without You

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When the rest of the family came back from skiing Bucky looked in Chloe's room and didn't see her. He texted her and heard her phone vibrate against her nightstand. "Chloe" he yelled.

Everyone started to frantically searched then Bucky walked into the theatre room and saw her sleeping playing with her own hair under neath a blanket on the back couch. "I've got her" Bucky yelled up the stairs.

He walked back into the room "Doll baby don't scare me like that." he whispered in her ear.

"Not like anybody cares" she whispered in her sleep.

"I care.. and so does everyone else. " he said

"No they don't. If they cared they would see how much it hurts me but they don't care." she said

"Chloe please understand that they do care about you." he said

"Go play with someone your own age and leave me alone." she said

He shook his head and slammed the door as he walked out. She came up for supper went to her room to shower and change into her pajamas. She locked her patio door closed the curtains and grabbed a pillow and blankets went to the theatre room turned on another movie then turned off the lights to go to bed.

Everyone else was in the hot tub "Where's Chloe?' Joe said

"I don't know her lights are off though." Bucky said as he pointed to her door.

Joe tried to open the door "Chloe.." Bucky went in through his door and went to the door in the hallway to see her room empty. He unlocked the door for Joe and said"she's not in here."

Joe sighed. "Everyone let's play find Chloe again."

"Actually I think I know where she might be" Bucky said as he went to his room to change. He went to the theatre room. He saw her sleeping and shook his head. "Baby what are you doing?' he whispered

"Sleeping." she said

"In here.. when you have a bed." he said

"Atleast the couch makes it seem like someone is sleeping next to me." she whispered

"Chloe.." he said

"Go you have a bed." she said

"So do you." He said

"Just go I'm sleeping." she said

He walked out to see Joe and said "What is she doing?'

"She's sleeping..she's got her pillows and blankets in there. Playing with her own hair as she sleeps on the couch." he said

"She has a room." Joe said

" I know that is what I said but she said she would rather sleep in there. Atleast the couch gives her the feeling that someone is next to her." he said as he walked away. Bucky laid down in his bed and fixed the pillows like he does at the dorm that gives him the sense that someone is next to him and cuddled one of them and fell asleep.

Joe went into the kitchen and Sarah said "Did you find her."

"Yeah she's sleeping in the theatre room. Bucky said she's sleeping on the couch in there." Joe said

"You know she sleeps in the basement at home. She hardly sleeps in her room anymore." Sarah said

"The rule stays Sarah." Joe said

"You can sleep on the couch Joe." she said as she walked out.

"Sarah.." Joe said

"Our daughter for the first 10 years of life slept next to that boy. He was the only person that could even get Chloe to take a fucking nap Joe!" she yelled.

Winnie and James came into the kitchen. "I don't give a damn I refuse to let my 15 year old daughter sleep next to someone who is 19 and has had sex. " Joe yelled back at her.

Steve came in "Dad do you remember what she said this morning. Bucky has never done anything to her for you to not trust him to sleep next to her. Chloe knows how to say no even if it did come to that. But Bucky does have self control I share a dorm with him some nights he just has a girl over just to sleep next to him."

Joe shook his head and said "I'm going to sleep in one of the other guest bedrooms." and walked out.

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