(20) Another School Meeting

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-1 month later-

Chloe was at her locker as she was about to go to study hall. "Ms Rogers." Ms Hill said

"Yes ma'am" she said

"Can you meet me after school?' Ms Hill said

"Um yeah is it going to take long? I do have somewhere to be." she said

"No it's not going to take long." Ms Hill said

"Okay." she said

"See you after school." Ms Hill said

Chloe texted Bucky even though she knew he was in class. "I'll let you know when I get on the road. Ms Hill said she needs to meet with me."

"Okay baby I love you and I'll see you soon." he said

"Love you too :)" she said as she walked to study hall.

After study hall she got her homework out of her locker then went to the guidance counselor's office. "You wanted to see me." she said

"Yes shut the door." Ms Hill said

Chloe shut the door and said "Am I in trouble?'

"No ma'am. You recently took your PSATs and you scored a 1520" Ms Hill said

"Okay.." she said

"That's the highest score you can get. Which is wonderful Ms Rogers we have never had a student do that well on a PSAT. We would have been keeping an eye on your grades even despite what you went through last month your grades haven't fallen behind your GPA hasn't dropped. We need to meet with your mother to discuss some things cause we may need to look into other options for you cause the teachers said that you are starting to get bored again." Ms Hill said

"Oh.." she said

Ms Hill hands her a letter for Sarah and said "Here you go. You can give this to your mother."

"Thank you." she said as she took the letter and put it in her purse.

"Okay that's all I wanted to talk to you about." Ms Hill said

"Thanks." she said then left Ms Hill's office.

She got to her jeep and drove by the hospital to see her mom. Sarah opened the letter and read it. "Seriously Chlo." Sarah said as she read the letter.

"Sorry mom. Can we talk about it on Sunday when I get back." she said

"Yeah baby." Sarah said

Chloe got back into her jeep and took off to UGA to see Bucky. She pulled in beside his truck and he hopped of his tail gate and kissed her against her jeep as he started a make out session. "Mmm god I've missed you.. what did Ms Hill want?' he said

"Oh just me being super super smart I scored the highest you can get on your PSAT." she said as she kissed him. "We need to go upstairs before you make me take you right now darlin." he whispered as he opened her back car door and got her bag and back pack.

She went to his home game the next day that night she made him dinner while he did his homework they had sex in the tub then again in the bed. Bucky watched her as she slept  and caressed her face. "I love you doll baby." he said as he kissed her.

"Mmm I love you too now go to sleep and stop staring at me." she whispered

He smiled and cuddled her and they both started to play with each other's hair and fell asleep. The next day Bucky woke up to the boys knocking on his door he shut his bedroom door and answered his door.

"Oh hey guys. What's up?' he said

"Um we have a tux fitting today in an hour." Steve said

"Oh um I kinda have company so can I just do mind another day." he said

"No it can't wait you have bailed on us each time." Sam said

"Guess seriously keep your voice down I have company." he said

"Who is at the door Buck?' Chloe said as she walked out in one of his t shirts.

Bucky cringed and Steve said "Chloe.. what are you doing here and in one of his shirts?'

"I um well to be honest I've been coming up every weekend you all don't have an away game and um we have officially been dating for the past month. I'm the reason why he wanted to turn over a new leaf cause he wanted to be good for me and he loves me and I love him." she said

'She's 16 Buck." Steve said

"And 16 is legal age of consent Steve..I can show if you would like." she said

"I love her Steve..for once in my life I am happy. I have done my very best to prove to your sister that I can be who she deserves without letting her know what I was doing. " Bucky said

"Does mom know?' Steve said

"Yeah she knows and she's fine with it." Chloe said

Steve said "Dad is rolling in his grave right now Chloe. He would be so mad about this." and he walked away.

Bucky shut the door and they went back to bed.

The following Thursday Chloe was in the conference room with her mom and they let her see her PSAT score all of her grades and heard what the teachers said. "So what are you suggesting." Sarah said

"We are going to let her next semester after the holidays take the required classes she needs to take as a senior she will have enough credits to graduate a year early well technically two years early. We have scheduled her to take the SATs and ACTs over the next two weekends. So she and Ms Hill will need get her some college applications filled out." Mr Rhodes said

"UGA.. I don't want to go anywhere else but there please" Chloe blurted out.

"Chlo" Sarah said

"Mom .." she said

"Okay..I know I get it. Okay well let's get it all sorted out." Sarah said

After school that day she texted Bucky "What are you doing?'

"I'm getting ready to go to practice why?' he said back

She was on the interstate and said "You'll see."

"What does that mean?" he texted back

She sent him a kissy face and said "I've got some good news."

He sighed and called her. "Baby I don't like surprises what is going on."

She sighed and he said "Okay fine.. don't tell me. Just be careful whatever it is."

"Okay love you." she said

"Love you too gorgeous." he said

She turned up her music then finished her way to Athens. She waited for him to get back from practice in her parking spot that's next to his. He pulled in and whispered "Chloe.." as he pulled in next to her.

He got out of the truck and ran to the driver side. "What are you doing here? It's Thursday." he said

She smiled and said "I'm graduating next semester."

"What?" he said confused.

"The school is letting me take my required senior year classes next semester I get to take the ACT and SAT over the next several weeks. And during study hall today I applied to UGA." she said

He hugged her and he said "You are coming to me"

"Yes..I get finally get to school with you..even if it's just for a couple of years." she said

"Oh god baby." he said as he kissed her. They went up to his room and had celebratory sex then he took her out to dinner. Then she drove back down to Savannah to go to school the next day Bucky had an away game that weekend and that Saturday she took her ACT. He came down once he got back in town and they spent the night at his parents house.

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