(24) Moving In Together

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Bucky helped Chloe load up her jeep with everything she needed after he finished with his stuff.

"Stay close to me baby." he said

"Buck I've made this drive for almost a year I know how to get to Athens." she said

"I know you do but please stay close." he said as he kissed her and grabbed her ass.

"You two stop making me want to gag" Steve said as he finished putting his stuff in his truck.

Natasha walked out with her last bag and said "really you two are sickening."

Chloe put her sunglasses on and said "I love you."

"I love you and you look so sexy." he said as she got into her jeep and rolled down her windows.

She plugged her ipod in and pulled up her spotify and turned on her 80s mix. Steve said "Chloe please be careful stay close to us listen to your fiancee."

"Okay geez." she said as "Purple Rain" started to blare out of her jeep then she backed out of driveway and pulled in behind Bucky and started down the road. Sarah wiped tears as she took off. "Winnie what am I suppose to do now? My last baby was to smart and graduated two years early. My other baby just got married and my husband is gone." Sarah cried

Winnie hugged her and said "You have me and James. You have the Wilsons and Romanoffs and Bartons and Maximoffs. We will help you get through this tough transition."

Bucky looked in his rear view mirror as she was playing drums on her steering wheel to "Don't Stop" by Fleetwood Mac. He just shook his head and smiled "God she is adorable." he thought to himself as they made their way up the interstate.

She turned it up some more when "Lovin Touchin Squeezin" By Journey. She started to sing along and playing drums on her steering wheel. Bucky called her through face time and she answered his phone call. "Can I help you." she said

"Stop you are scaring me this isn't the time for you be playing around in the car." he said

She turned down the music and hung up the phone and rolled up her windows. They pulled up to their apartment and she got out and slammed the door. "Chloe." he got out of his truck as she went to unlock the door.

"Chloe baby look at me." he said as he removed her sunglasses and saw tears.

"Chloe baby you scare me. You have only been driving a year and dancing around and singing is fine when you are more experienced when it comes to driving. " he said

"I am your fiancee don't talk to me like I"m a child Bucky." she said as she walked out to jeep and started to get her stuff. Steve stopped her and said "Chloe what's wrong?"

"It's nothing okay." she said as she started to carry her stuff in.

"Buck what happened?' Steve said as Bucky came down the stairs.

"She was dancing around singing and playing around driving and I called her to tell her to stop that she was scaring me. She hung up on me and rolled up her windows and turned off the music." Bucky said

Steve shook his head and found Chloe coming out of their bedroom. "Chloe.. look at me he wasn't trying to tell like I would have told you if I had seen you. He was telling you cause he loves you and he doesn't want you to be distracted and get into a accident. Now grow up you may have graduated high school early but you are still 17 years old and still have a little bit of a immature attitude to you. This is college not high school baby sister it's time you grow up." Steve said

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