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Evan's POV:

"Theodore Mason Copeland, you have until the count of three to be in your bed." I growl, wagging my index finger violently through the air.

Have kids, they said... it'll be fun, they said.

"But mommy, I'm not tired!" My four year old whines from the floor of his bedroom.

I groan and close my eyes, defeated. Why is it so hard? He's so... small. This should not be so hard.

"Please, Mas... mommy had a long day at work. Get in your bed." I plead with him. It's ridiculous that I'm even having to argue with a four year old. My mother would have taken a switch to my ass had I done this, I'm sure.

"Can I have one more cookie?" He pushes, innocence in his eyes.

"Tomorrow." I sigh, peeling back the old cowboy-western sheets on his toddler bed.

He reluctantly climbs in, allowing me to tuck him in. I kiss his head softly and leave the room, pulling the door to.

I take a sigh of relief, but the moment of silence is short lived when my six year old, Ava, yells from the other end of the hall.

Kids make me want to pull my hair out. Moming is hard.

"Coming.." I mutter, mainly to myself as the joy is sucked from my soul.

I enter her bedroom and she's sitting on her bed, pouting.

"What, baby?" I ask her.

"Grace took my blanket." She whines, pointing through the connecting door.

I close my eyes and take a breath, "can't you use a different one?" I ask my daughter.

"No! Grace took my favorite!" She continues to complain, so I walk through the connecting bathroom to my other daughters bedroom.

"Grace, where is Ava's blanket? It's bedtime and you two are acting worse than your brother." I hiss.

Grace quickly offers up the blue blanket and I return it to its rightful owner.

"I best not hear a peep from either of you until morning." I tell them.

They nod, understanding and I head towards my bedroom.

"Mommy, wait!" I stop in my tracks and spin around to see Ava's concerned face. "I want daddy to come home."

I bite my cheek and hang my head, "me too, kid."

* * *

Lexi's POV

"Mom! Where are my keys?!" I scream at the top of my lungs from the kitchen.

It's seven in the morning and I am late.

"Take your voice down! Look by the door." My mother hisses, emerging from her office. "You should wake up earlier."

I find my keys right where she said they would be and run out the door without another word.

I hop into my car and floor it, quite literally, all the way to school. I make it with thirty seconds to spare too!

My senior year has been dragging. I was told that these are the best times of my life and that it would fly by, but I have yet to feel or see anything to support those statements.

I'm over it. I'm over school. I'm over my peers. Over it.

My six hour day comes to an end and I make my way out to the parking lot with the crowds of other students.

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