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Evan's POV:

Lexi walked out on me after dropping quite the bombshell, and it only left me more broken and confused than before.

Unfortunately for me, spending hours sobbing and trying figure out how I am going to piece my life back together isn't an option.

Scott is on his way here with the kids, and we all have to get dressed and go, as a family, to the graduation ceremony this evening.

Unless Lexi's mom decides to run to the principal between now and six o'clock, I'm still on for reading the list of names for all of the seniors who are walking across that stage.

I straighten up the house for when the kids come home, stripping the sheets off of my bed and washing a few loads of clothes. I wander outside to check the mail, not wanting to think about the unholy shit-storm that I know is unfolding next door.

I quickly realize how huge of a mistake it was to leave the safety of my house.

"Evan, a word?" A stern voice grabs me and I freeze.

I flip my hair over my shoulder and raise my brows at Amy, who is eyeing me from her front steps.

"Yes?" I ask her, not sure if she is aware that I know.

She shakes her head, "it's sickening, you know? The fact that you can allow yourself to cross that line and have that sort of disgusting relationship with my daughter. I thought we were friends, Evan? I trusted you. She watches your children for God's sake! And you-"

"I told you to leave her out of it! It's on me!" Lexi's frail voice yells from the sidewalk up to the steps. Her eyes are red and swollen from crying.

"Lex..." I mutter, my arms folding over my chest.

Amy's eyes roll and I bite my lip, "Amy, I understand how you feel about... all of this. And I do apologize that things happened the way they did. I made my share of mistakes partaking in this relationship with Lexi, but I do not wish I could take back even a second of it."

"How'd Scott feel about that?" Amy smarts.

I cut my eyes at her, "I am going to kindly suggest that you stay out of my marriage."

"He has a right to know, you know. And I will be informing him. As well as the principal. Your career as a teacher is over, you may as well go ahead and get yourself on the registered sex-offender list!" Amy gripes, clearly even more pissed off and bitter about this than I thought.

I glance at Lexi and she shakes her head subtly. "That's not necessary. I'll be resigning." I think quick and Amy's eyes grow larger. Well, I guess I made that decision.

"Well, well-"

"Stay out of it, Amy. It's handled. Worry about your own kid, not me." I sigh and walk away, knowing there is nothing more I can do.

I hate to leave Lexi the way I am. I hate to leave our relationship on the edge of a cliff, but in all seriousness... where could it go?

I'm grown. I have three kids who need support, I have a career. Lexi is barely a legal adult, makes nine bucks an hour, and has no experience with being a parent.

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