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Lexi's POV:

"E-Evan." I can barely form words as I try to speak. "I-"

She looks at me and shakes her head, grinning. "You don't have to say anything if you don't want, Lex."

I bite my cheek and kiss her lips carefully, "I think I love you too, Ev."

Evan grins and shakes her head at me, "if you have to think about it, you probably don't. You'll know, baby."

Now is probably the only time I've ever really thought about the fact that Evan is older than me. This is the only situation we have been in where it could potentially pose an issue.

I mean, I think I love her? I care about her... but I don't know what exactly love is supposed to feel like.

Rather than dwelling or making an awkward silence surround us, I change the subject. "Where are the kids?"

"Scott has them. I'm picking them up again tomorrow, which will likely result in an argument considering I served him with papers and he and his lawyer are going over them." Evan sighs, her voice sounding a bit stressed out.

"Do you think he's gonna make it a huge deal?" I ask her.

"Probably. He'll shoot for full custody, I'm sure. I doubt he'll get it because he's out of town so often though. Plus, courts rule in favor of the mother in almost all cases... unless they're unfit." She continues. "Which is also where Katie having the information she does could fuck me over."

I bite my cheek, still feeling like this is my fault. Katie was my friend. If it wasn't for her and I being close, she would have never found out about Evan and I.

"I'm sorry, Ev." I sigh and wrap my arms around her, squeezing her tighter than I ever have before. "I'm gonna talk to her. I'll fix it."

"Lexi, no. You can't fix it. It's too late for that!" She shakes her head and pulls away from me, "plus you know that if you even try talking to her it's going to get out of hand."

I roll my eyes and shove my hands through my hair, "so what do I do?! Just let her know things and continue to wreak havoc on my life, Ev? I'm not one to let people walk all over me, you know that." I remind her.

"I know, trust me." She sighs. "Just... don't do anything dumb."

I shake my head slowly, the thought of Katie's betrayal still stirring in my mind. "I'm going to handle it." I mutter.

"Lexi..." Evan sighs, clearly not liking my tone. "Promise me!"

I look up at Evan and lick my lips, "I promise I'm going to do everything I can to make this right. That's all I can promise you."

* * *

Lexi's POV:

(The next day)

Knowing what I know about Katie, I got very little sleep. I can't help but let myself wonder if my sexuality is the only one of my secrets that she didn't keep.

Over the years I've told Katie some dark things. I confided in her a lot, but clearly she didn't take it seriously.

I made sure to get to school early so I could catch Katie before class, and she just pulled into the parking space beside my car.

She looks at me through the window and tosses my hand up, smiling wide. I just stare, not even so much as turning the corners of my mouth up at her.

She pulls the handle on my passenger side door and climbs in, sighing. "I'm so glad you're here. I was about to-"

"Who'd you tell?" I ask, bluntly.

"Huh?" She asks, seeming confused and staring at her phone.

"I know what you did, Katie. You fucking lied to me, and you betrayed me." I hiss.

She pulls her eyes away from her phone and stays quiet.

"So now I want to know, who did you tell what you know about Evan?" I ask her.

"Lexi, what are you talking about? I would never-"

"Cut the act, Katie. Evan told me what she heard yesterday. You are the one who leaked my secret to the whole goddamn school, and I'm sure you've done way worse than that, too."

Her eyes change once I mention the fact that Evan overheard her, and I know she knows she caught. "Lexi, I swear it wasn't-"

"Just- stop! We are no longer friends, Katie. You're a conniving bitch." I yell. "At this point, all I want for you to do is keep your goddamn mouth shut about Evan. If you so much as breathe her name, I will make sure you regret it. Do not fuck up someone else's life, Katie."

"Why does it matter? She's getting a divorce anyway, and she's fucking you." She grins, turning into the evil, backstabbing person she's kept hidden from me until this point.

"It matters because she doesn't deserve this shit. Yes, she is going through a separation. And yes, I am close with her; however, I'm not fucking her, not will I be in the future. So shut up and don't speak on things you know nothing about." I threaten. "Get the hell out of my car, Katie."

Her made-up face scrunches and she rolls her eyes, sliding out and slamming the door.

My heart thuds in my chest as I watch her strut away, dialing someone up on the phone and calling them immediately.

Truth be told, I am scared of what Katie is capable of. I couldn't openly admit that I'm sleeping with Evan to her, especially now. I know I eluded to it yesterday, but I'm hoping and praying I can spin it in a way that doesn't seem like there is a sexual relationship between Evan and I.

What I said to her has to work. If it doesn't... we're all screwed.

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