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Lexi's POV:

Friday. My favorite day of the week.

School let out and, of course, Katie insisted on getting food. I obliged and took her to a little burger joint in the middle of town.

"What are you doing for the weekend? We should hangout." She says, stuffing a handful of fries in her mouth.

"I don't know. Mrs. Copeland asked me to babysit for her sometime, but she didn't specify when." I shrug.

"Come on! I can help... you don't even have to split the money with me." Katie smirks.

I shake my head, "I'm not brining a friend to babysit her kids." I laugh.

Katie sighs and flutters her eyes, "isn't Mrs. Copeland like... hot?" She questions.

I sigh and lean back against the cushioned booth, "I guess." I say, as if I hadn't been drooling over Mrs. Copeland since she moved in next door to me.

"Is she single?" Katie asks, for reasons I'm not clear on.

"No, she's married. Why does it matter to you?" I press.

"It doesn't. I'm just asking. I've heard she is a real bitch in class... though maybe it was because she wasn't getting any." She grins.

I roll my eyes, offering more information than I probably should. "Not that it's any of your business, but her husband works a lot... out of town. He's been gone for like a month or something, so I'm sure she hasn't gotten any... even if she is married." I explain.

"Are you defending her?"

"What? No, I'm just- I feel for her is all." I admit. I guess I kinda was defending her.

"Mm, I see. Well, have fun babysitting her kids. I'm going to Ryan's party tonight." She shrugs, almost sounding victorious in her announcement.

"Should I be jealous?" I tease.

"Yep, free booze and hot dudes everywhere. If you came maybe you'd find a potential boyfriend!" She says, eyes widening.

I roll my blue eyes hard. Boyfriend.

"I'm good, Katie." I sigh, hoping she will drop it.

"You always say that. Come on, Lex. You are the only senior who has never been in a relationship and is still a virgin." Oh, Katie.

"Why do you insist on bringing this up all the time? Katie, it's my choice not date anyone." I snap.

"Because I am just looking out for you. You're going to look like an outcast." She reasons.

"I don't need you to 'look out' for me. I'm a big girl who can handle herself." I roll my eyes, quickly growing frustrated.

"I'll set you up with-"

I sigh and shove my red basket across the table and stand up, "that's it. Walk home. Bye." I huff.

Being in the closet is hard sometimes. Especially when it comes to my best friend. I want to tell her, but I don't know how.

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