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Lexi's POV:

(weekend before graduation)

"Wake up, sweetie! You have plenty to do today!" My mom chirps from the doorway of my bedroom.

Even though I insisted on not having a party, here we are on the day of my graduation party.

I groan to myself and bury my head under my pillow, not wanting to move this early on a Saturday morning.

"Breakfast is downstairs. Up and at 'em!" She persists.

I listen to her footsteps move further away and I sit up, checking to see if Evan ever responded to my text last night. I fell asleep waiting on a reply, which is very unlike her.

I leave the comfort of my bed, peering through the window at the bright outside world. My mood instantly goes to shit when I catch a glimpse of not only Evan in her bedroom, but Scott too.

That bastard is supposed to be living elsewhere for the time being, not in the same bed as Evan. I stare, my blood boiling and there is not a damn thing I can do about it.


"I'm coming! I need to shower, jeez." I respond, forcing myself to take my eyes away from the terrible sight in the house next door.

I shower and get ready for the day, my mind not leaving Evan for even a second. She seems to be all I can think about these days, and I am not complaining.

"You aren't wearing that, are you?" My mom asks, looking over my outfit.

"I had planned too, why? This isn't suitable for the party that I didn't even want to have?" I scoff, annoyed already. She's such an over planner.

My mom frowns and lets out a sigh. "I just think that you should present yourself, a graduating, job-seeking senior, in something a bit more... tasteful than ripped up jeans and a t-shirt, Lexi."

I laugh and shake my head, "shall I go put on a dress? Pantsuit maybe?"

"I sense some attitude. What's going on, girls?" Mike asks as he enters the kitchen, snaking his arm around my disapproving mother's waist.

"Don't you think she should dress up a bit more?" My mom presses.

"I think you look fine, Lexi. Let her dress how she feels comfortable, Amy. It's a celebration of her achievements, not yours." Mike defends, taking me by surprise.

A couple of hours pass, my mother using every available second to add finishing touches before guests arrive.

Mike's family is the first to arrive, carrying in cards and congratulating me. I smile and nod, trying to be gracious. Mike's family is not afraid to flaunt their fortune, that's for sure. By the end of the night I'll have enough money gifted to me to buy a house.

Despite not wanting to have a party, I'm actually not having a miserable time. The enjoyability of the party drops significantly when I see Katie and her parents walk in the front door.

Katie gives a forced smile and her parents grin from ear to ear, "Lexi! We are so proud of you... both of you girls!" The gush, talking about their daughter and myself.

"Thank you. I appreciate you guys, and thanks for coming." I smile, hugging them both.

Her parents spot my mom and Mike in the next room and step away, leaving me with Katie.

"I didn't expect to see you here." I sigh, taking a seat on the couch.

"I wouldn't bail on your grad party, Lexi." She grins, "plus there is free food."

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