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Evan's POV:

There are many calm, peaceful, gentle ways that one can be woken up in this world; however, being violently shaken and yelled at by the girl I slept with last night is not one of them. 

"Ev, get up. I have a big problem." Lexi panics, jumping up and down to wiggle into her jeans beside the bed. 

"What?" I groan, rubbing my hand over my face and pulling the sheet tight against my body. Last night was a bit of a blur, but I recall pretty much everything that happened. "Why are you being so loud?" 

"Because the fucking world is about to come crumbling down, Evan." Lexi hisses, now making her way to the door. 

"Lex, stop. What is wrong?!" I ask, far too tired to say anything else. I find the energy to sit up and stare at her from the bed and she shakes her head. "I'm not a mind-reader, you know..." 

"Fucking Katie. Her car just pulled into my driveway, and I doubt she came to make peace." Lexi mutters. "I need to get over there." 

"Lexi, wait. Let me get dressed. I doubt she's going to say anything stupid." I sigh.

I get dressed quickly and head downstairs with Lexi, who is clearly very anxious. She stands at the window that faces her house, watching carefully for any movement. 

"I'm going to be in trouble for staying here, even if she doesn't say anything about us, Ev. What other reason would I gave to spend the night at your house while your kids are away? It won't take a rocket scientist to figure out that I'm screwing you." Lexi points out, not even looking towards me. "Graduation is going to suck... if I even make it that far." 

My eyes grow worried at her mention of graduation. "Shit, Lex. If she says something to your pa- I mean, your mom and Mike, and they tell the principal... I'll be out of a job and I definitely won't be allowed to participate in the ceremony. " 

"Fuck my life." Lexi growls, smacking her hand against the window. 

I bite my cheek and carefully near her, "even then... I need you to know that I do not regret anything that has happened between us, Lex." 

The moment I finish speaking Lexi's phone rings. Her mother's face pops up on the screen and Lexi's face drops. "Here goes nothing." She sighs as she swipes her finger over the screen. 

"Hello?" She answers, her face scrunched up. 

"Alexis! Where are you?!" Her mother's voice is clear to me even with the phone pressed to Lexi's face. 

"I'm sorry, I passed out at the Copeland's house. I'll be home in a while, I think I'll help make breakfast while I'm here." Lexi tests the waters with the suggestion, but it's clear that her mother is not playing any games. 

"No, Alexis. Get your ass home, now." Her mother's tone is deep and angry. "We need to have a discussion." 

Lexi ends the call there and looks up at me, "Evan... this is bad." 

I bite my nail and sigh softly, "seems like everything is bad these days. I'll be here, please let me know what happens and if I need to prep a resignation for my boss." I joke, but not really. 

Lexi steps forward and kisses my lips softly, "I'll come back to you either way." Her lips part from mine and the taste lingers on my lips. I watch her walk out the door, me probably more nervous than she is about what is about to unfold. 

Lexi's POV:

I wearily enter the house, hearing muffled voices from the kitchen and pacing footsteps that belong to my mother. 

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