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Lucas' POV

I shook my thoughts off and came back to the reality, just to see Victoria looking at me with furrowed eyebrows. I sighed, shook my head and said, "I'm just going to the kitchen."

I rushed out of the room and stormed my way to my destination. I walked into the kitchen and saw Mrs. Maurice, who's cooking dinner.

"Mrs. Maurice." I greeted her. She jumped a bit before turning around to face me.

"Oh, it's you. How many times do I have to tell you, just call me Mikayla." She laughed and turned back around to continue doing whatever she's doing.

I shrugged and made my way to the fridge. I opened the fridge's door and took out my glass of orange juice which I've saved for myself earlier this day. And then I went to sit on the stool near the counter.

"Do you know if Vicky's friend is gonna stay for dinner or not?" Mikayla asked me and my hand instantly gripped the glass tightly.

I took a deep breath, "Uhm, no I don't." I said calmly. Well, tried to.

She turned around to face me once again and gave me the look which says "Do I smell jealousy in here?". I gave her a tight smile and took a sip of my juice.

Who is this Natasha? Why does his name sound like a girl's name? Also why do they look so close to each other? I feel like I've seen him somewhere before but I don't remembe-

My eyes widened when the memory came back to me. He's the guy who sent Victoria home from school the other day! How could I forgot? The one that she said she doesn't like because he's too emotional. But I still can't understand that reason though. Well even if I don't understand it, I guess it's fine as long as she hates him.

But her act earlier doesn't seem like she hates him.

I clenched my jaws when I remembered the way she smiled at him. Also when he put his hand on her back. It clearly seemed like he's taking advantage to touch her. I closed my eyes and took another deep breath.

"Chill, dude. Your knuckles are all white. Poor glass." Someone commented making me turned towards the direction of the voice. It's him.

"Shut the fuck up." I hissed.

He frowned and took a seat on the other side of the counter, right in front of me. Is he trying to kill himself? "Look, I don't know what your problem is, but-"

"I said. Shut the fuck up!" I shouted and hit my fist onto the counter, bleeding my hand in the process. He stayed still and kept staring at me calmly, like what I did just now doesn't affect him at all.

"What the hell is your problem?" He asked in a calm tone, making me lose my patience.

I stood up abruptly and pointed an accusing finger at him, "You! You are the fucking problem. Don't make me use my fists on you Natasha, or someone's going to have his funeral before Christmas!" I yelled with gritted teeth, before storming upstairs towards my temporary room.

I slammed the door shut and took a nearby vase before throwing it harshly on the ground. I ran my fingers through my hair and went to sit on the bed. I tried to steady my breath, but no avail.

That bastard is freaking me off. It's so hard to keep myself calm when he's that annoying. I swear if he's still here when I get out of this fucking room, I'm gonna kill him for real.

Suddenly, someone knocked on my door making my head snapped towards it. Who the hell dare to mess with me when I'm this pissed. I didn't answer, but then the person knocked again. I huffed, laid myself down onto the bed and took a pillow before I put it on my face and grunted loudly.

The sound of the door creaking making me put the pillow away. Mikayla walked in and I took a sharp intake of breath as the realisation hit me.

She saw it. Shit shit shit. She saw it all.

Fucking nice! I bet she's going to kick me out now. I rubbed my hands on my face before standing up to pack my bags.

She raised a hand as if to tell me to stop moving, I don't know why but I immediately obliged. That's when I realized there's a first aid kit in her hand. She pointed at the bed with raised eyebrows, silently telling me to sit down. I don't know why but again, I obliged.

She sighed and sat beside me, making my eyes went wide. What the hell is she doing? She opened the kit and grabbed my bruised hand. I shifted uncomfortably as I looked here and there, not knowing what to do in a situation like this.

I gulped, my Adam's apple bopped up and down. The room was in complete silence. I swear I could hear a pin dropped.


"Yes?" I quickly answered.

She raised an eyebrow, daring me to say anything else. I shut my mouth tightly and she continued, "What the hell was that?"

I blinked once, twice, and opened my mouth to answer her before she speaks again, "Are you a child? Why did you throw a childish tantrum like that? Where the hell did your maturity go? The day you got here, I looked at you as a successful young man who has got his life all planned out, but seeing you yelling and shouting and cussing making me look at you as nothing more than just a brat who doesn't get what he wants. You don't like anything that doesn't go your way and that young man, is very, very immature."

I furrowed my eyebrows, trying to understand what she said, but found myself disagreed with her, "I'm not immature-"

Before I could talk more, she cut me off, "Yes you are. Look, I know you love Vicky but you have to understand that being jealous doesn't make her love you back. You need to prove to her that you're loyal and that you trust her. Trust is the main key. You need to be a real man for her to see that you're worthy of being loved." By this time, she was already done with treating my hand. She looked at me and smiled softly.

This feeling seems unfamiliar to me. I've never felt like this before. It feels like you want to disagree, but can't, because she looked at you with those eyes. You want to argue but can't because those eyes say how much she actually, truly cares about you.

Those... motherly eyes. Even my own mom and Lily hadn't made me feel this way before. Whenever I lose my mind as a child, they never did something like this. My mom would just sigh and leave me alone while Lily would just buy me junk food to cheer me up. They'd never lectured me like this before.

Before I knew it, a tear rolled down my cheek.

Mikayla became alerted and asked me what's wrong. But I didn't say anything as I let more tears fell off my cheeks.

After several times asking and still didn't get any answer, she gave up, and then engulfed me in a hug instead.

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