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I inhaled deeply before shakily letting out a sigh as I stared at the body-length mirror in front of me. I'm wearing a gown, a wedding gown. It is stunning, even I look beautiful in it. This gown probably has a power to let anyone who wears it look pretty.

"I just don't understand." Cara muttered under her breath. She was sitting on a chair behind me and she looked at me with an unreadable expression on her face.

I turned around to look at her and nodded. "Me too. Like, how the hell can I automatically look pretty just by wearing a very beautiful gown." I said as I gestured towards the gown which is hugging my upper body until my waist perfectly and the rest of it is flown down until it reaches the floor.

She frowned at my statement, "What? No! I just don't understand why you're getting married before me when obviously I got into a relationship first." She huffed and shook her head.

I looked at her with dead eyes before turning back around to take a look at myself once again. I don't believe this. I shook my head in astonishment as I scanned myself from head to toe to search for any flaws. Found none. Even the hickeys that Lucas gave me the other night are gone, thanks to the make up artist who had successfully covered them up.

All of a sudden I felt my cheek heated up by flashing back to that night. I shut my eyes tightly to forget about it completely.

"I wonder why Brian hasn't proposed to me yet.." Cara absentmindedly said, her eyes staring into spaces as she sighed out loud.

I giggled at that and walked up towards her before plopping down onto the chair beside her. I shook her shoulder lightly, "Why are you worrying so much? It's not like he's not gonna do it." I said but as soon as the words left my mouth, I gasped and instantly put my hand on my lips.

Actually Brian had confessed that he wants to propose to Cara once he finished college and got a stable job. He told Lucas that when they were drinking the other night and Lucas accidentally told me without thinking straight. I just thought that maybe Brian wanted to keep it a secret, that's why I didn't tell Cara, but it slipped my mouth.

No wonder Brian despises me so much (lol).

Cara stared at me, seemingly unamazed by what I said, "I know that. He told me. But I just can't wait..." She trailed off and wiped the imaginary tears which fell down her cheeks.

Wait. So she knows. Why the hell does she know?!

I shook the confusion away from my head and stood back up. Okay I can feel the nervousness creeping up on me now. I'm going to be tied with Lucas for the rest of my life. And I'm only 19. Am I ready for this? Isn't it too early? Why the hell didn't I think about these when Lucas proposed to me?

I felt my hands beginning to sweat as more questions came to my mind. Is this really okay? Shouldn't we wait more? I groaned in frustration.

I felt an arm wrapped itself around my shoulders. I looked over to see its owner and saw my mom. She smiled at me reassuringly while stroking my shoulder with her thumb in comforting manner.

"Hey honey. What is it? Are you nervous?" She asked.

"Mom..." I whined, "I am! Maybe we should postpone this.."

She hit my shoulder lightly making me squint my eyes at her. "You are already in the gown. Don't be ridiculous. Besides, aren't you supposed to be excited? Just think back on why you did this in the first place." She told me sharply.

Well, I did this because I love Lucas.

Yes. That's the only reason. It doesn't seem right, but it doesn't have to be. I want to live my whole life with him. I just can't imagine him being with someone else. Just the thought of it makes me want to cry. I know I'm selfish but that's that. I guess that's what love does to us.

I smiled at my mom gratefully and kissed her cheek before mumbling a 'thank you'. She grinned back at me and cupped both of my cheeks with her hands. "Look at you, you're so beautiful." She whispered.

"I've never thought I get to–" She cut herself off and shook her head vigorously as if to tell herself, 'snap out of it'.

"Mom.." I called her. I put my hand on her cheek and my forehead on hers. Closing my eyes, I let a tear sled down my cheek.

My mom wiped it off with her thumb. "We don't want your make up to get ruined now do we?"

Our moment was cut short when someone knocked the door.

"Come in!" Cara who had been staring at us said. The door swung open, revealing my dad with all his glory. He was wearing a grey suit with a little flower inside the poket of his suit. He walked towards us and gave my mom a peck on her forehead before turning his attention towards me.

"My princess is looking so beautiful." He said to himself before engulfing me in tight hug. I nuzzled into his chest as he kissed the top of my head lovingly, before I felt a hint of wetness on my hair.

"Please don't ruin my hair." I huffed and he just chuckled. We stayed like that for a while, swinging our bodies from side to side before he finally let go of me.

He stared at my face with his fatherly look, proud clearly shown on his face. "You ready?" He asked.

I took a deep breath before swallowing the lump in my throat and nodded my head, a smile made its way to my face.

I am about to be married with the man that I love. The first man that I love, to be precise. The feeling that I have towards Lucas is in a whole new level if I compare it with the feeling that I had towards Zander. No, I loved Zander, but that love was more like a mere attraction. While for Lucas, I can't imagine my life without him. I can't imagine moving on without him by my side.

I can't imagine him not being there to tell me that everything is going to be okay, that he'll be here with me, in every step that I take.

I fell in love with Lucas Carter William, and as days go by, I just fell in love with him more and more. I'm not afraid to admit it because it feels right.

He's been there with me, through the time where I felt like nothing matters anymore, through the time where I felt like giving up and where I felt like there's nothing for me to do here anymore.

He's my light and I'm his.

"I'm ready."

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