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Victoria's POV

An annoying voice woke me up from my not-so-beauty sleep. I groaned as the culprit shook my body. "Leh me sweep.." I mumbled sleepily and tried to smack her hands away from my arm.

"Oh sorry I didn't realize you were sweeping the floor." She said mockingly, earning a glare from me which she ignored because she's too busy laughing and slapping a hand on her thigh. "God, I'm funny."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before I sat up. I rubbed my eyes to ease the doziness. "Why did you wake me up Cara? It's only," I paused to check the time on my phone, "6 in the morning."

Her eyes widened. She looked at me as if I'm crazy before she exclaim, "You really forgot? Today is a busy day, miss! You're gonna have to prepare for all the wedding stuff!"

Oh yeah. How could I forgot. My wedding– I mean, Lucas and I's wedding is in a week. We're going to choose a dress and discuss about the planning today.

I sighed.

It's not that I'm not excited, I'm actually really excited, but it just doesn't feel right to plan everything without Lucas. He can't make it today as he's in Russia. I wanted to FaceTime him but today is the day of his meeting with the russians so he will be super busy, I don't want to disturb him. He told me that he could just cancel the meeting but I don't want to do that to him. This meeting is probably super important for his company, why cancel it for such small reason? And he's been waiting for this opportunity for almost two years. I couldn't just simply take it away from him, could I?

"Hey, cheer up! After today, I promise I'll bring you to Lucas." Cara suggested, making me squint my eyes at her.

"He is going back home tomorrow anyways, so your promise doesn't seem appealing to me."

"Okay, okay. Then, I'll buy you a bucket of cookies and cream."

I grinned at this, "Deal."

After that, I showered and did my business in the bathroom before getting ready for the day. I combed my short hair and gathered my bangs with a simple hair clip.

I'm back at my family's old house. After I graduated from high school, I've thought about moving in completely with my family as I didn't want poor J to feel lonely. But I decided against it because I want to be close to Lucas. I know, I'm a bad older sister but who could resist those puppy eyes of his when he asked me to stay. I couldn't.

I made sure to visit my family every weekend though. And of course I also made sure to annoy my little brother to no end. And guess what? He was the one who shooed me to leave everytime I decided to stay there longer.

I was greeted by Cara, Rebecca and Quinn. Yes, Quinn. I don't really understand how we did it but we became friends.

It all started after Lucas' surprise birthday party. She approached me after he asked me to marry him and congratulated me with a breath taking smile that can make all the guys and lesbians swoon. I was shocked at first, but didn't show it and thanked her immediately. And then we started talking and chatting. We actually clicked perfectly.

"Hey, ready for the big day?" Rebecca sang. I smiled and nodded.

Quinn tugged my wrist and leaded me towards the kitchen's counter. "Come eat your breakfast future wifey."

While I ate, we chatted about lots of things. The three argued about who has to be the maid of honor.

"It should be me because I have experienced it." Rebecca stated.

"That's why you can't be the one. You need to let others experience it too. I'm the best candidate because Vicky and I have a lot in common." Quinn determinedly said. But we actually only have two things in common. Which is, she's also a fan of Shawn Mendes like me and we both hate parties.

"Hold up, hold up. I'm her bestie and we grew up together, so it's a common sense that I should be the maid of honor." Cara interjected and I silently nodded.

"She's right." I agreed.

The three of them immediately faced me and asked at the same time, "Who?"


"Told ya." Cara said sassily. But then she gasped as if she just remembered something and quickly rummaged her purse, taking out her phone. "I have to make a call. Be right back."

Why can't she just call the person here at the counter? Is she hiding something? Because the Cara I know has never really stood up to go somewhere so she could make or take a call. If someone called her while she's having dinner with her family or while hanging out with her friends, she just answered the call right there and then because she's too lazy to get her butt up.

Welp, it's not my business.

Of course it's my business! She's my best friend! Best friends don't keep secrets from each other.

Damn, Vicky why are you being so childish?

I shook my head to get rid of my childish thoughts and focused back on my last pancake.

"I guess we both lost." Rebecca said dejectedly to Quinn and the latter just shrugged.

"Alrighty. I'm done." Cara said as she walked back towards us.

"Who did you call?" I asked because God, the curiosity is killing me.

"Brian." She said nonchalantly. I nodded, satisfied with her answer, and got up to wash my plate.

"Okay. Shall we go now?" I asked them.

The three of them looked at each other before they returned their gaze towards me. "We shall but first we need to wait for our driver." Cara said with a hint of smile on her face.

I raised my eyebrows, "We don't need a driver though? We can just simply drive to the boutique ourselves."

"Well, the person kinda insisted to let them drive us." Quinn said.

"Hmm." Was my only response before I sat back down onto the previous stool I sat. I didn't want to argue for such a small matter so I guess we'll just wait for this driver.

After 5 minutes, the door bell rang and I'm guessing that that's our driver. So I stood up and went to open the door, with my friends following me incredibly far from behind.

I curled up my lips into a smile before I unlocked the door and opened it, ready to greet whoever this person is.

The sight before me made me gasped.

"Why are you here?"

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