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Lucas' POV

Beautiful. Stunning. Phenomenal.

These were the words that came up in my mind as I saw her after they opened the door. She stood there, eyes were looking down, arm was intertwining with her father's, and face was heated up with a cute blush that made me smirked boyishly.

Please look at me baby, I begged silently. As if she heard my plead, my Victoria looked up and made an instant eye contact with me. After she saw my smirk, her eyes widened and she immediately turned her attention back to the floor. I guess someone's shy.

The music started to play and my princess and her dad walked down the altar, one step at a time. She was staring at the floor the whole time, making me stared at her shamelessly with a proud smile plastered on my face.

This beautiful angel is mine forever.

The time seemed to stop as I stared at her. It feels like no one else exists except for us both. As she walked, she peeked at me through her eyelashes. I gave her a warm assuring smile. When she smiled back at me, my legs almost gave out. Keyword, almost.

They walked up the stairs and finally my angel stopped right before me, making her face more visible to me. Caleb kissed her cheek before he passed her to me, letting me hold her hand in mine. Giving me a silent blessing. He stepped closer to me and tapped my shoulder before whispering, "Take care of my daughter."

"With my life." I whispered back. He smiled before stepping aside.

The officiant began to address us and the whole time I focused solely on Victoria, I didn't even hear anything he said. Her eyes were too enticing, even though she's wearing a veil, I can still see the gorgeous orbs that held me captive from the moment we first met.

We exchanged our vows with confidence, we didn't even stutter and that was when we affirm that our love is real.

"You may kiss your bride."

I didn't waste my time. To kiss my angel in front of these people makes me prouder than when I do everything else in my life. Being a CEO to several companies is nothing compared to claiming her as mine in front of these hundreds of people, or maybe millions since we are broadcasting right now.

I snaked an arm around her waist and pulled her closer to me. "You're rightfully mine now." I whispered in her ear making her squirm before I planted my lips against her plump ones.

The crowds cheered for us, but the ecstasy of claiming her as mine in front of these many people make me kiss her more roughly and passionately, telling the whole world how much I love her.

All of a sudden I felt a light pressure on my chest, my Victoria was trying to push me away but I was having none of that. I held her tighter in my arms and brought her closer to me, my lips never leaving hers.

She put a hand on my forearm, rubbing against it for some time before pinching me, hard. I gasped and she took the chance to pull away from me. I looked at her with a frown, asking her silently how could she pinch me?

She smiled uncomfortably before glancing at the crowds and back at me. I raised an eyebrow before I took a glance at them, just to see them sitting there silently. I tilted my head, confused as to what she wanted me to see.

She rolled her eyes and sighed. I grinned at that.

I hoisted her up bridal style, making her yelp before circling her arms around my neck and giving me a glare like an angry kitten. I chuckled and kissed her cheek before I ran out of the church with her in my arms.

A limousine was already parked outside and one of my men opened the door for us. I thanked him quickly before getting in with my wife.

I sat down and put her on my lap. I gave a look to the guy and he immediately understood what I meant. He shut the door and went around the car towards his seat, which is the passanger seat.

I pressed the button that would separate the driver and us so that we would get some privacy. I looked at my love suggestively with a smirked and wiggled eyebrows. Her eyes widened and she gulped.

Seeing her reaction made me laugh, hard.

"W-What?" She asked.

"Nothing. You are just too cute." I said in between my laugh and she just frowned at my statement.

I smiled adoringly at her and kissed her forehead. "Now what do you want to do?"

She broke our eye contact and stared into spaces, probably to think about it. "Hmm," She hummed, "how about we go home to take a short nap before tonight's party? I feel like recharging my energy."

I pouted, I was hoping she would suggest something that is more... fun, but napping is okay too, I guess.

All of a sudden I felt her lips on mine but the feeling didn't last long as she quickly pulled away. I looked at her wide-eyed.

"Sorry," she cleared her throat, "I had to do that." She said as she looked everywhere but me. Her skin flushed like crazy, it's adorable.

"You never have to apologize for kissing me baby, in matter of fact I'm a little disappointed that it was just a peck." I stated and blinked my eyes a few times so that she would get what I'm saying.

She smiled back, too innocently I might add, and tilted her head to the side before replying, "Aw. Too bad for you that's the only thing you'll get for this whole week because of the act you pulled earlier in that church."

I drew my eyebrows together, "Act? What act?"

"The act where you kissed me for almost 5 minutes in front of hundreds people." She said in a duh tone. "Didn't you see them sitting there awkwardly and just waiting for us to pull away?"

I smirked at that memory. "Well I'm not feeling guilty about it since that kiss was necessary so that everyone knows how in love we are towards each other and how you're mine and I'm yours forever."

My Victoria blushed for what felt like a thousandth time today before she looked down, not wanting to face me. "O-Oh." Was the only thing that came out of her pretty little mouth.

I brought her face up so that she would look at me. "My reason is reasonable, isn't it? So that punishment you were trying to make is cancelled now is it?" I said huskily before smashing my lips onto hers.


A/N: Hi, I'm so sorry I broke my promise. These past few days were unexpectedly busy, so I had to delay the update. Thank you for staying xx

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