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Today, my love and I are going on a date. It's actually kind of ridiculous, seeing that we've been going out for almost 8 months but we're only having our second date now. It's all my job's fault. I've been flying all over the world a lot lately and that had ruined the time we could spend together.

Even though she didn't say anything about it, I still feel guilty. I should've spent more time with her after everything that had happened, but no, my position as a CEO has other plans for me. There were times where I tried to skip, but her being the caring girlfriend that she is, didn't let me to do so, saying that my work is more important.

I mean, are you kidding? Baby, no, you're more.

Nope, I meant to say you're the most.

I couldn't even go to her graduation day. Because during that time I was in Japan. I told her that I could just cancel my meeting there. But you know what she did? The day of my flight, she went to my penthouse to make sure I was going. She even packed my luggage for me since at that time, I was a hundred percent sure that I wasn't going, so I didn't prepare for anything. And she oh so sweetly drove me to the airport herself.

But we did have a FaceTime though. She promised me that she was going to video call me during the ceremony, and she kept the promise. I made sure to screenshot her face too. I have like 95 pictures of her wearing the graduation gown and the square hat. She told me to delete some of them but of course I didn't do it.

I adjusted my hair for what felt like the 124th before I nodded, finally satisfied with it. I brushed the non existent dust from my shirt before I grabbed my car keys and jogged downstairs. I decided to dress casually today– okay actually she was the one who asked me to. I wore a simple white top which hugged my body perfectly and a long-sleeved black leather jacket over it, also with a pair of skinny jeans and a pair of white Nike's.

She told me that she will be the one who's gonna do everything for the date today.

What? Don't look at me like that, she insisted on doing it and I just couldn't say no to the love of my forever.

I got into the driver's seat and roared the engine before pulling up to drive to her house. I was humming a song called With You by Tyler Shaw.

It was when I stopped for the red light, that I got a call from her. I drew my eyebrows together in confusion before picking it up, "Hey, baby, what's wrong?"

"Lucas, where are you?"

I let out a breath, so she's just impatient. I glanced at the time and saw that it's 1:36 pm. I was supposed to pick her up by 2, so I'm not late at all. "Relax, love, I'll be there soon."

"I-It better be soon or else I don't think I can survive.."

"What? What are you talking about? Is something going on there?" I asked now fully alerted, her voice was shaking a bit and I don't think I like the sound of it.

"T-There are some guys in front of my house, a-and they parked their car very, very close to it. And they are s-staring at this direction..."

What the? "Okay, I'm speeding now baby, just stay hidden, okay? I'm coming for you." And with that I speeded up to her house with my heart beating fast. Please don't let anything happens to her.

"Baby, stay with me, just continue to talk to me oka–" The line was cut. "He-Hello? Victoria? Shit." I threw my phone somewhere and speeded up even more. I passed over all the vehicles with full speed, eager to arrive there as fast as possible.

After I've reached, I stormed out of my car and ran towards the front door to my love's house. I knocked on the door without bothering to inspect anything first. But when I got no answer, I cursed once more and took a look around.

There was no other car in her driveway except for mine. Does that mean..? I tried to even my breath before I turned to knock on the door again, but before I could do that, I noticed a small note pasted onto it. I took the note and scanned over it.

Come to the nearest park if you value her life.

"Fuck!" I quickly went back into my car and started to drive to the destination.

How did it come to this? It wasn't supposed to be like this. We were supposed to have a date. We were supposed to go to the movies and I was supposed to bring her to my favourite place which is in the forest. There is a small cabin in there where I always go to whenever I want to escape from the reality. I wanted to surprise her with a romantic dinner even though she had told me that she wanted to do everything for the date.

I was supposed to ask her to marry me.

I hit the steering wheel and cursed many times. After a minute or so, I arrived at the park. I stepped out and turned my head at all directions, trying to find my love or maybe some clues to where she could've been.

I didn't even realize when someone– or rather some people tackled me from behind, one of them closed my eyes with a rag and another gathered my wrists and tied them tightly behind me. I tried to protest but it seems there are another two bastards who are holding me back from doing anything.

Weak, they really need to have four fucktards to kidnap me? But the weirdest thing is, there is exactly no one who's screaming or fussing about this whole kidnapping thing.

They struggled as they dragged me to some place. In fact, I was almost succeeding in getting rid of them before another person came out of nowhere and held me back as well. Seriously? Five? If this was in some other circumstances I would've scoffed and laughed at how pathetic they are being.

They pushed me down and made me sit on what felt like a chair. I shrugged my shoulders to get rid of their filthy hands but all ten hands held me down.

I felt one of them stood in front of me and before I could think of anything, he pulled away the rag from my eyes.

"What the bloody hell is going–" I couldn't continue my words as I saw his face. "What the fuck? You?"

" 'Sup, cuz."

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