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Lucas' POV

I leaned more onto the door frame as I watched my love's family and friends walked up to her and wished her good luck for the surgery. Yes, the time that I've been dreading for is unfortunately here. They all sat around her while they reminisced some of the memories that they shared together when she was still in a good health.

I pursed my lips so I wouldn't ruin the moment. I feel like I'm missing a lot since I only met her not completely a year ago. I wish we have met earlier.

As they were chatting about the past, I also did the same, only the difference is that I'm reminiscing our memories in the back of my mind.

I flashed back to where I first met her at Brian's birthday party. That time, I was going back home even though the party had just begun. Actually, I only came to show my face so that Brian wouldn't say things like I'm a bad brother or something of that sort. I'm not really a party guy.

As I was on my way out, I felt a light pressure, as if someone was bumping into me. I was going to let it go and continue on with my way out when I heard someone said sorry in a not so genuine tone. Coincidentally, I despise people who is not truthful. So, I said the first thing that came into my mind.

"Don't apologize if you are not even being sincere."

The girl who bumped into me immediately shot me a glare, making her face visible to me. I unconsciously gasped as I saw her face. Her delicate skin which looked like it might burn with only a slight touch, her perfectly shaped eyebrows, her plump lips and that pointy noise... She was not even wearing any makeups but her face was so breathtakingly beautiful.

"Anything that makes you sleep at night." I heard her mutter before she walked pass me. A sudden urge of making her stay ran through my veins and before I could think of anything, my hand reached out towards her to grab her arm.

I stared into her eyes with such intensity before I finally snapped out of my day dream. I frowned and let go of her arm quickly as if it just burned me. I suddenly felt annoyed for some reason. It's probably her, I decided. So I spoke out, "You are annoying."

She looked taken aback with my comment but that went by fast as she flashed me a sweet smile and said, "Then you should be grateful because you won't see me ever again. Goodbye."

I don't like her attitude, I summed up. I hope I'll never see her again.

I smiled and shook my head at that silly memory.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see my cousin walk towards me. He then leaned onto the wall that I'm currently standing near to. I heard him sigh before muttering something like, "women and their loud mouth".

I chuckled, "Hey, give them a break. After all, it's time."

He took a glance at me and nodded. "Yeah." It was silent (at our side) for a moment before he asked me, "How are you feeling?"

I took a deep breath and let out a heavy sigh before running my fingers through my hair, pulling it slightly. "Honestly? I don't know," I shook my head, "I don't say anything because I respect her decision. But in reality I can't help but feel like this is all wrong." I hit my head onto the door frame once and closed my eyes, frowning.

"I understand." Brian said in a low voice, "She has always been stubborn since I first met her. So even if you say something, she still wouldn't change her mind."

I fluttered my eyes open, "I don't like that."


"I don't like how you said 'since you first met her'."

He raised an eyebrow and smirked, "Are you seriously jealous of me?"

I huffed. "I'm jealous of everyone and everything."

He stared at me for a while as if he's thinking about something. "Hey, remember when you waited for me in front of our school gate for the, I quoted, 'first and last' time?"

I rubbed a hand over my face, "I told you to not talk about it again." I said exasperatedly. That moment was super embarrassing. I don't even know why I did that. I literally went to his school to ask him about her but ended up seeing the person herself. And then I made a fool out of myself when I unintentionally got worried about her little pain.

At that time, I didn't know why I had this sudden urge to know everything about her. Her name, her age, where she lives.. Brian laughed hysterically when I told him this. He said I was whipped at first sight.

I came back to the reality when Brian said the exact thing I just said in my mind, "You were whipped at first sight."

I rolled my eyes and told him to shut up.

After they are finally done talking to Victoria, I made my way towards her and instantly collected her in my arms. I nuzzled my face in the crook of her neck and sighed. "I missed you."

She slightly shivered which made me smirk, before she giggled, "I'm sorry it took so long. There were so many things to talk about."

"I also have many things to tell you."

"Is that so? What is it?"

"It's that I love you so much and that I never want to let you go. If possible, I wanna steal you away right now so you won't have to be away from me to do that surgery," a thought suddenly came into my mind, "I know! How about I go into the operation room with you? While they operate you, I can hold your hand to help ease the pain."

She laughed, hearing her laughter made me laugh along with her. I never want this moment to end. I tightened my arms around her and closed my eyes painfully. "You are being silly. Nothing's gonna happen." I heard her say in a soft and low voice.

I finally brought my head away from her neck to look at her in the eyes. "You promise?" I asked like a child hoping for santa to visit him this year. Wait, maybe next year since Christmas had already passed for this year.

She smiled that beautiful smile of hers and nodded her head. "I promise." She brought out her pinky finger, making me chuckle.

We interlocked our fingers while staring into each others' eyes. My vision soon fell down to her lips as she did the same. We leaned more and more towards each other until our lips sealed and moved perfectly together.

Soon after that, a group of nurses came into the room and announced that it is time to get ready. I gulped and unwillingly let go of her. I frowned while she assured me with her smile. The nurses urged me to get out of the room so they can help her change.

We all waited outside of the room, each of us with the unsettlement in our hearts. Soon the door slid open and the nurses came out with her. She was laying down on the bed while they pushed it towards the direction of the operation room.

She glanced at all of us with a smile. When her eyes landed on me, a tear slid down my cheek. She noticed it and drew her eyebrows together. Seeing that, I quickly wiped it away and gave her a smile of encouragement.

Her expression slowly relaxed and soon I couldn't see her anymore as she already entered the room.

God, please help her stay strong.

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