Day 3

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Jisung cant stay Sulking at Minho, well, because he gave him a big attention that Jisung never experienced..

So the next day, his attention routine to Minho Continued again..


Minho walked inside the Dorm looking tired as fuck, well he was..Jisung who was on the Couch with Felix and Hyunjin watching TV hopped in Delight as he heard the door click open and instantly got up to hug the older, while Felix and Hyunjin looking as Nosy as ever..

"Something smells fishy.."Felix whispered to Hyunjin.."Maybe because we ate fish at Lunch you dumbass.."Hyunjin whispered back..Felix sighed in defeat..

Meanwhile the Minsung pair, Jisung hugging like a Koala (although this boi is a a squirrel)Minho Ruffled his hair as Jisung's eyes Shone..."alrighty Jisungie, you can let go now..Im really tired.."Minho Mumbled weakly, Jisung understanding the situation because he saw Minho carrying his Bag..

No one's more Hardworking as Minho when it comes to their Choreography, so Jisung Understand why not to Let him rest?"Im Helping you fall asleep Hyungie.."Jisung Smiled as he let go of the Older and Dragged him to the room.. (dont be perverts!! Im not turning anything here sexual!)

As soon as Minho Flopped down the bed, Jisung Joined him in and Cuddled him, Minho Inhaling the pleasant smell and Falling asleep Quickly, not aware that his face was on a smile..And Jisung Falling asleep as fast as Minho..who was rubbing his hair and massaging his scalp as he falls deeper asleep..

Meanwhile, at the Nosy Lee and Hwang smiled evily at each other and shook the shit out of their leader.."what is it?!"Chan groaned slightly, frowning at the loss of his deep slumber.."come and see!!"Hyunjin chuckled evily..

They walked to Minho's room and opened the door slightly, then showing Chan the Cuddling pair who was deeply asleep...Chan Chuckled quietly as he stared at the two..

"Im scared.."Chan slightly mumbled..the two turned their heads to Chan who was frowned a little.. "What if Minho falls for what he's doing to Jisung, or either worried..what if one of them falls for him and the other cant return their feelings??"Chan continues..The Lee and Hwang rolled their eyes and whispered..

"Hyung! Those two are the definition of Dumb!we have been Inspecting these two since rookie days!Cant you even see those two whenever they look at each other, their eyes shone like a fricking diamond! A DIAMOND Hyung! That's a Jewerly! And i dont know what you call it but whenever Jisung clings to Minho Hyung like a Koala, Minho Hyung would literally smile widely! His gums are on show!!!and Whenever Jisung sees his Presence his eyes literally shows hearts and the same goes for Minho hyung! Now dont tell me that they dont love each other! They just need a sudden realization because these two are too dumb to notice that they having feelings for each other!!"Felix Inhaled aggresively as Hyunjin Pats his back before to Continue.."Now tell me hyung! Do we need more proof to tell you that those two love each other?! I have more proof!!"Felix aggresively breathes..

"You've done well my brother.."Hyunjin pats his back..

"You could have just wrote a paragraph..."Chan Sighed..

"Dont get me wrong..i ship those two.."

Chan and Felix is literally us Minsung Shippers :)
I also did that meme on the media awhile ago.

B L O O M  B L O O M  P O W  O U T♡

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