Chapter 7- Sister Reunion

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It was dinner time at the mansion. After karaoke we had small talks. I told Hansol why I wasn't in work for the past week, and he was shocked and scared. He wanted to sneak me out of here but I assured him I'm fine here, my parents won't like me going back anyways.

~Flashback (1 year ago)~
I came home from college a few hours later than usual. Our professor wanted us to finish and essay by tomorrow, so I finished it in the library. It was currently 10pm, there were room checks by 10:30 and the library closes at 10 as well. I got home and opened the door with the keys I had in my bag.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" I shouted taking off my shoes.

"You know you shouldn't have gone home." Someone said from the kitchen.

"You better be happy that we still let you live in this house. It was Sowon's request for us to let you stay here." My mother said and I stayed quiet.

"Next time you're going to come out of school late..." she walks towards me. "Don't even bother coming home, your father and I don't want you here anyway, you're just a mistake." She said and the last part stabbed my heart.

"Do you understand?" She said and with no words coming out of my mouth, I nodded.

"Good." She said and continued "Go to your room now, I don't wanna see your stupid face." She said and I quietly and quickly ran up the stairs tears threatening to spill out.

~Back to Present~
We were eating dinner while Jin oppa was scolding Namjoon oppa about how he cut the onions horribly while the rest of us were just eating the food. And suddenly the door opened.

"Hey guys!" Jungkook said and a girl followed behind him.

"This is Jung Eunha." He said pointing to a girl.

"Hi!" She said

"Hello!" We all said in unison.

"And we found one of her friends on the street, so we uhh brought her here. Is that ok?" He asked

"Yeah, it's fine." Jin oppa said. "Where is she?" He asked and looked behind the girl.

"Uhh wait" Eunha said going out the dining room.

She came back dragging a girl who's taller than her.

"This is——" She started But I cut her off

"Sowon unnie?" I said standing up.

"Y/n?" She asks

"Hey noona!" Hansol says

Sowon and I hugged each other

"You guys know each other?" Asks Jimin.

"That's her sister." Chloe and Seungkwan said at the same time.

"I miss you so much." I said sobbing into the hug.

"Me too." She sobs

"We should uhhh give them some privacy." Hoseok says and they leave.

"What are you doing here?" She asks releasing the hug.

"They brought me here." I said

"Are you ok here?" She asks

"I'm ok, they're really nice." I said and smiled. "Why were you on the streets though?" I ask

"Mom and dad kicked me out because they didn't want me anymore. But I have to go back."

"Mom and dad... they're mafias, you cannot go back."

"But I have no where to stay, and my stuff are still in the house."

The Mafia Boss (BTS Yoongi x reader) [Complete] Where stories live. Discover now