Chapter 25- Happy Ending

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"Hey!! You there!!" Yoongi shouts. "Where are you looking at?!!"

"Oppa, stop that, you're making a scene." Y/n held his arm and shook it.

"I told you not to wear those shorts, that guy is looking at your legs." He told her.

"Hey!! If you look at her again, I will poke your eyeballs and you'll regret it!!" He shouted.

"Ok, let's go oppa." Y/n told him.

"I'm sorry everyone! Please continue with what you're doing." Y/n apologized and dragged him out of the cafe.

"Jagi!!! I wasn't able to punch him yet." He pouted.

"You don't have to punch him. He'll learn on his own." Y/n said.

"Well, you can only wear those shorts for me." He said.

"Chloe made me wear these." Y/n said.

Y/n smiled at the memory. She made many memories with Yoongi, some good, some bad. There was that time where Yoongi didn't allow her to hug any boy including my own brother.

"Hey, Y/n, what are you doing?" Yoongi asks.

"I'm just hugging my brother, oppa." Y/n said.

"Well, you're not allowed to anymore." He said prying me off Jimin.

Jimin and Yuju got together a month after Jimin's flirting, Yuju finally decided to give him a chance.

"Ey~ Yoongi hyung, you're jealous~." Jimin sang.

"Whatever, just don't do that ever again." Yoongi said.

"Not fair!! They're just my friends and he's just my brother!" Y/n protested.

"Yeah! Hyung! That's my sister, and if ever, I'd be the one not allowing her to hug boys." Jimin told the older.

"Fine, just not for too long." He said.

That other time where I met his parents.

"Hi honey, you must be our Yoongo Boongo's girlfriend." His mom stretched her hand out.

"Mom!! Don't use that nickname when she's here!!" Yoongi whines.

"Come on Yoongo, you have to admit, it's cute." His dad said.

Yoongi growls and looks away.

His parents and Y/n talked a lot about Yoongi, they had a liking on her. And she was happy that it didn't go the other way.

When he proposed.

Yoongi and Y/n were beside a beach, walking quietly. Suddenly Yoongi stopped walking which made me stop as well.

"Yoongi oppa, what's wrong?" Y/n asks.

"Y/n... we've been together for two years now, and I've learned a lot from you. You were the best thing that ever happened to me. I want to make a family with you. So, Y/n... will you marry me?" Yoongi pulled out a black leather box, kneeled down and opened it.

Y/n gasped in shock, and she was at a lost of words.

"Y/n?" Yoongi asks.

"Y...y-yes! I will." Y/n replied and lunged on him, hugging him.

Yoongi hugged her back and kissed her. They got up and Yoongi put the ring on her ring finger.

"I love you so much!" Yoongi says.

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