Chapter 17- Most Powerful Mafia

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"Hyung, I'm gonna go out first, I'll be back for dinner." Hoseok told Jin.

"Why?" Jin asks

"I'm gonna meet someone." Hoseok said

"Fine, be home before 8pm, ok?" Jin said

"Ok!" Hoseok said and skipped out the front door.

"Guys! Meeting now!" Yoongi said

"You have a plan?" Jimin asks

"Yeah." Yoongi answered

They all went in the meeting room except Hoseok and the girls.

"Here's the plan." Yoongi says "We need to get in touch with them."

"What?! What kinda plan is that?" Taehyung asks

"I'm not done yet." Yoongi says "We don't even know what they want, so how are we suppose to know how to get them."

"If their plan is getting Y/n back then we're killing them." Jimin growled

"Whatever their plan is, they're gonna die anyway." Jin says and Jungkook hums in agreement.

"How are we gonna be able to connect with them." Namjoon asks

"That's a good question, Namjoon. We're going back to the mansion. Probably because his spies are still there." Yoongi said

"Ahhh ok, let's go now then." Jin says

"Ok. Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung will stay here incase we need backup. And incase we need more backup then we'll call Hoseok." Yoongi said

"But he's meeting his friend." Jimin said

"He won't leave his brothers for a random stranger." Taehyung said

"Right, Jin hyung and Namjoon, let's go." Yoongi said and the three went to the car.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't the mafia boss." Mr. Kim smirks.

"I'm here to talk, not fight." Yoongi said

"I see..." Mr. Kim said

"What do you want?" Yoongi asks

"What else? I want full control of the mafia world. Sadly I'm ranked second in the most powerful mafias, and you're first." Mr. Kim said "If you die, I will be the most powerful mafia. So, I must kill you." He snapped his fingers and suddenly bullets were firing from all directions, but the three dodged the bullets.

"I thought we were gonna play nicely." Yoongi says "I guess, for a person like you, I thought wrong." The three took out their guns and started shooting his men.

They shot half of his men but there were just too many to handle for just the three of them.

"Call backup." Yoongi told Namjoon.

"There's too many people, I can't call them." Namjoon said

"No worries, hyungs." The shooting stopped and they all look on top of the mansion where Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook were standing.

"MAKNAE LINE TO THE RESCUE!!" Taehyung said and jumped on a person's head making him fall to the ground.

The men started shooting Jimin and Jungkook while Taehyung knocked out the guy he was sitting on.

Jin and Namjoon were shooting other men, while Jimin and Jungkook were just using their flexibility to dodge every bullet that was in their path. Yoongi on the other hand has other plans.

Yoongi tackled Mr. Kim to the floor. Mr. Kim tried getting his gun from his back pocket but Yoongi got him pressed to the ground. Five minutes of trying to knock him to the ground, Yoongi got tired and just used the only option he had left. Mr. Kim was on the floor half conscious, Yoongi used this to his advantage.

The Mafia Boss (BTS Yoongi x reader) [Complete] Where stories live. Discover now