Chapter Five

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•Chapter four•
*Alexanders pov*

The sound of a couple knocks comes from my front door. Nadine and I look at each other before I get up. It's likely Matthew. Once I reach the door, I look through the peep hole.

"A tall blonde guy?" I say to Nadine. Lets hope that describes him well enough.

"Matthew" She smiles.

I open the door and peek my head around as I do so.

"Hello." I say, slightly shy.

"Yo I'm Matthew." He says before stepping in.

Matthew was certainly attractive. He had dirty blonde hair, pushing the ends, near his face, to the left. While the other parts were tousled, like he been running his hands through his hair or someone else has. I run my eyes over his outfit. A nice black fitted shirt and a pair of shorts, paired with regular Nike shoes. Looking back at his face, he has very deep brown eyes. They could be mistaken for black if you didn't look close enough. His skin was dark enough that it seemed as if he had been tanning for hours but could never burn.

Matthew coughs.

I focus my eyes back to his and then look away. "Sorry." I mumble before closing the door.

Matthew removes his shoes and heads towards Nadine.

"Hey!" He smiles.

She rushes up to hug him. "Matthew!"

As they pull apart they smile at each other and then turn to look at me. I stand awkwardly in my own home.

"Matthew this is Alexander, the one you're helping. Alex, Matt." She gestures to the both of us.

"Yo." Matt grabs my hand and pulls me into one of those bro hugs.

I force a smile. "Hey."

"Ah man. Don't look so uncomfortable. I'm not gonna hurt you." Matt rolls his eyes but smiles.

"He's very outgoing and open." Nadine pitches in.

"So tell me a bit about yourself?" He sits down on my couch, making himself at home.

"Uh.. well.. I'm Alexander Pierce. I'm in love with Ethan Ezell who is in love with August Adams. I moved from Seattle to here to try and be with Ethan. They get married in less than a year I'm pretty sure so I have to split them up and thats all my life depends on." I sum up.

"Okay.. Well I'm Matthew Harris. I don't fall in love due to being asexual. I've lived here my whole life. Nadine is basically my sister." Matthew sums up.

"Asexual?" I ask, not being familiar with any part of the LGBTQ+ community.

"Asexual, by google definition its a person who has no sexual feelings or desires. I sum it up as I don't want to have sex.. with anyone." Matthew shrugs.

"Oh. Huh. Nice." I say. "Wait not nice as in like oh wow so cool should try that. I mean nice as like. I-"

"I get what you mean, Alex." He smiles.

I relax and look at Nadine.

"What you two already know me. Moved here from Albany. Matt is like my brother. Basically no other family at this point." She shrugs.

Matt pulls Nadine aside quickly. If I were human, I wouldn't be able to hear. I know I shouldn't listen in but I'm curious.

"Are you going to tell him?" Matt whispers.

"What if he thinks I'm weird. I can't get rejected again." Nadine whines.

"I'm sure he won't think you're weird. I'm not making you come out to him. See what feels right." Matt pats her shoulder.

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