Chapter Seventeen

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•Chapter 17•
*Alexs POV*

I get in the car and put my head on the steering wheel. What a night. 

The boy I love is dead. The only boy I've loved. Someone who made me feel something. Something other than being half dead and living forever with a parent who hates your guts.

"You could have warned me changing gives you a massive headache." A voice whines from the backseat.

I whip my head around to see Ethan sitting up with a hand on his head.

"You're? You're alive?" I stutter out.

"Of course I'm alive." Ethan says in a duh tone.

"How? He-" I pause.

"I drank it when August first did his shit. He left me untied at some point, knowing I'd be too scared to do anything. So I slipped the little bottle out of my pocket and downed it. It was a precaution. And clearly it came in hand." He smirks at me.

I don't care that I'm in a car. I don't care that I might honk or kick buttons. I jump out of my seat and climb into the back, pulling Ethan into a tight hug.

"I was so scared. I- I thought you were gone." I cry into his shoulder.

"But I'm not." He whispers into my ear and rubs my back.


I pull away from him and smile.

He's here. He's alive. He didn't die. I'm so grateful I gave him the blood. 

"I'm sorry you have to have a life like me now." I give him a small smile, mostly out of pity.

"It's not all that bad, I get to spend eternity with you." He chuckles.

I roll my eyes and shake my head. If only he knew how flirty that sounds.

I get out of the car and back in, in the drivers seat. 

"What are you going to do about the house. Everything. Wedding plans." I look over at Ethan, who got into the passengers seat.

"I'm not really sure. I don't want to live in the house, knowing I was living with a psychopath. The wedding plans will have to get cancelled. Thankfully we didn't spend that much so I'll try to get as many refunds as I can." He sighs.

"I kind of want to go back to Seattle, Ethan." I keep my eyes on the road.

"You what?" 

"I want to go back. Isabella, Isaac, Astor, Alice, Chandler, my mom. Most of the people I love are there." I sigh.

"But what about us?" Ethan looks at me.

"What about us?" I try not to stutter.

"You can't leave me." He whispers.

"Then come with me. We can get you job at a hospital in Seattle. Mom kept your apartment. You can live there, and I'll find an apartment of my own. Please I-" I get cut off.

"Okay." He says.


"Okay. I'll come back. I don't want to be here. These last few years have been with August and only August. Years. Years of him faking it. Maybe in the beginning his feelings were true. I don't know. But I don't want to stay. Seattle has Juliet and my mom. Plus I do adore your mother and Astor." Ethan has a soft smile.

"I don't want to cry man, stop it." I chuckle.

"And about the apartments thing.. Live with me? I have a spare room. And it'll be easier on expenses. You know?" He says, almost nervous.

"I'd love to." I smile. 

He nods before resting his head on the window. 

We go back to Seattle. What about Nadine and Matthew?


I turn off the car and sigh. 

"Ethan?" I ask.

No response.

"Ethan, we're at my apartment."

No response.

Alright then. 

I get out of the car and open his door. I reach over him, unbuckling him. I manage to slip my hands under him and slowly bring him out of the car, holding him bridal style. I close the door with my foot and walk into the apartment building.

Saying carrying Ethan up the stairs would be a lie. It was hard. Not that he's heavy. I'm just not the strongest.

I open my apartment door and find my friends on my couch.

"Ya'll never leave, do you?" I say quietly.

Both Nadine and Matthew shake their heads.

I walk into my room, placing Ethan on my bed and tucking him in. Closing the door as I exit, I walk up to my friends.

"He's alive?" Nadine rushes out.

"Yeah. I had given him some blood before he left earlier this afternoon. Apparently he slipped it while August wasn't looking. And here he is." 

"Wow." Matthew whispers

"But on another note, I have some news.." I trail off.

"Which is?" Nadine says.

"We're going back to Seattle. Ethan and I. You guys can come too. I'll pay for the plane tickets. We'll figure something out. But I won't make you come." 

"The only person I have here is Matt. If Matty goes, I'll go." Nadine looks at him.

"I've always wanted to leave anyways. I barely hang out with the other friends I had. They were kinda fake. When do we leave?" He smiles.

"I'll book a flight now." I smile.

I text my mom that I'm coming back to Seattle. And then I open my flights app.

"The most reasonable one is three days from now. The plane departs at 3pm" 

They both nod. 

"I'm gonna go to my place and start packing then. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon." Matthew stands up.

"I'm going with. I have some stuff at your place." Nadine says.

"Shit I have to call someone to sell the apartment too." Matthew sighs.

"Same man. So does Ethan." I rub my face.

"Good luck with Ethan." Nadine winks.

They both exit my apartment and I sigh.

I'm going back to Seattle. I'll have to get a job. Maybe work at the little diner with Isabella again. I wonder if Isaac still works there. I didn't see him when I stopped by but that doesn't mean anything. 

I just hope everything works out. 



Another short chapter but I wanted to get this out so everyone knew Ethan isn't dead. He's all good. Alive and healthy.

But heY theyre moving back to Seattle.


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