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Basic bonus chapter (:
*Alexs POV*

My mom tucks in my tie for me and looks at me with teary eyes.

"Stop, you'll make me cry." I chuckle.

"You're so old now." She gives me a sad laugh.

"I'm just getting married." I roll my eyes.

"Old!" She practically yells at me.

"Okay okay. I need to get out there though. Evelyn will be bringing Ethan down the aisle in like five minutes." I kiss her on the cheek.

I go out and stand on the little "stage" area, in front of everyone.

We asked everyone to remain seated when Ethan comes out. It's just the idea of people maybe having purses and stuff, it being slightly packed, and it might be annoying. We didn't mind breaking that tradition.

Of course I have Matthew and Isabella up here with me. Ethan and I decided Juliette will be the flower girl, which she loved. And Nadine offered to be the ring bearer. Which leaves one friend left even though he never really talks to us, Isaac. Isaac and Astor are going to stand with Ethan.

The doors open and people start coming out. But not the normal walking. People were dancing a bit to the music.

If we're being honest, I don't pay much attention.

I could see the white behind everyone. I knew it was Ethan.

Eventually it was his chance and he came out. He looked so good in his white tux.

He came dancing down to me, his mom in hand.

When they reached me, she kissed his cheek and handed him off to me.

I smile at him as we stand in front of everyone.

"Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, we are gathered here today to witness and celebrate the joining of Alexander Pierce and Ethan Ezell in marriage. With love and commitment, they have decided to live their lives together as husband and husband." The man starts.

I look at Ethan, about to cry.

"They've had a bumpy path. Lots of mishaps. But in the end they have found each other and are ready to become one." He pauses. "Rings?"

Nadine comes up with the rings and holds them out to us. I take the one I will put on his finger and Ethan takes the one he will put on mine.

The man nods to me.

"Ethan, we've come so far-" I chuckle. "-We met in a horrible way, and I deeply apologise you had to go through that. But I knew I couldn't be mean to you in anyway. And as I started developing feelings for you, I was so scared. I was sure I wasn't gay. The first time we kissed, it was amazing and god did I crave more. Cuddling. Movie "dates". When you first moved into the apartment. All wonderful memories we had made and I'd relive them every second of my life. Knowing I get to spend the rest of my life with you makes me unbelievably happy, and I look forward to it. For our home and family to grow. For us to be old together. I'll be the grumpiest old man but you'll always be sarcastic and telling me to cut my crap. I absolutely adore you." I whisper the last sentence as I put the ring on his finger.

He's all teary eyed.

"Alex, I-" He sniffles. "I was traumatized. Having to go through what I did. And when I met you I was scared. I was so scared. But you didn't hurt me, once. And I thought it was odd. You treated me as a friend, with strict rules. You got to know me. Astor came into my room and we went downstairs and made a whole fort. We made unforgettable memories. And people always say, if they could go back in time and change the past, that they would. But I wouldn't change a thing. Yes, I've been through pain. But you are always here for me. You always have been. And I am so excited to spend my life with you. In sickness and in health, you are my love." He smiles at me, crying now, as he puts the ring on my finger.

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