Chapter Nine

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•Chapter Nine•
*Alexs POV*

"Your father wants to speak with you." My mother whispers as I shove another spoonful of Fruity Pebbles in my mouth.

I nod and push the bowl away from me. When I glance at Ethan, I can see the worry in his eyes. I give him a small smile of reassurance before walking away. My lungs feel slightly tight as I get closer and closer upstairs to his study. But when I reach the door I pause.

Do I have to do this? My throat burns at the thought of facing him again. The one and only person I am scared of. The one person who could ruin me over and over again. I knock on the heavy door.

"Come in." He speaks loud and clear behind the door.

I push it open and make eye contact with him.

"You wanted to speak with me?" I ask.

"Sit." My father motions to the chair in front of his desk.

He places his elbows on his desk and clasps his hands, watching my every move. I sit down and look at him. I try to act calm.

"Why did you come here." He speaks.

"I have some information, coming from Maryland."

"Which is?"

"A man by the name of Atticus, code name August, is using Ethan to get to me and-"

"Why do I care?" He cuts me off.

"Just listen." I try not to growl. "He wants to use me and my family, aka you and mom and anyone else that's a vampire. They wants to breed us with the people August is working for. Vampire-Werewolf hybrids."

He leans back in his chair. "That's interesting."

"What should we do?" I ask.

"We? No. I've disowned you. I will not have a homosexual in my family. You figure it out on your own, Alexander." He points at the door, telling me to leave.

I stand up and walk out. When I close the doors I walk to 'my' room and punch the wall, leaving a hole.

"Alexander? Honey, is everything okay?" My mom starts off downstairs but her voice gets closer as she continues the sentence. "What ha-" She cuts herself off when she sees the hole.

"I'm sorry. I'll fix it." I look at her.

Her eyes are filled with worry and she clearly knows the conversation with my father did not end well. Ethan pops his head in.

"It's okay. We'll discuss it later. I'll leave you two boys alone." She smirks at me.

I simply roll my eyes.

"Is everything okay?" Ethan asks.

"Close the door real quick?" I ask.

Ethan nods and shuts the door, leaning against it.

"You know how I'm a vampire, right?"

I don't recall ever directly telling him but I'm sure he's picked up on it.

He nods again.

"Some people are out to get me. They want to breed me with them. To make powerful creatures."

"You have a confusing life, Alex."

I chuckle and shake my head. "You aren't wrong."

"What are you going to do?" He asks, going over and sitting on my bed.

"I don't know. I wanted to speak to my father about it. Especially if it'll concern the whole family. But he decided he disowned me so. Guess I'm on my own and I came back for no reason." I give him a tight smile.

"Would you like to visit my mom with me tomorrow? Get your mind off of things?"

I nod and climb into bed from the opposite side of Ethan. Leaning my back and head against the backboard, I sigh and close my eyes. Within seconds I feel slight weight on my lap so I open my eyes and look down. Ethans head rests on my lap, his face facing me, and his body is curled up. His floppy hair is slightly to the side so it shows a good portion of his face but his eyes are closed.

"I'm tired." Ethan mumbles.

"I am too."

"We could sleep?" He opens his eyes slightly.

"Don't think August would appreciate us in the same bed." I say his name almost as a whisper by accident.

"I don't see the issue. It's not like we like each other." He looks at me, confused.

My head spins at his words. He admittedly just said he doesn't like me anymore. I should of known though, he's engaged. But to finally hear it, out loud sent a pain to my chest.

"Yeah, you're right." I laugh.

"So lets take a nap."

Ethan turns so his head isn't on me anymore. I move myself down so I'm laying down. He curls up against me but so his back is against my side. I decide I'm not going to spoon him or turn my back on him so I just tilt my head so it's leaning against him.

But instead of falling asleep, I get lost in thought. How do I deal with August. What if I just give myself up? Seems like a suicide mission. Do I wait until he makes the first move? I may end up unprepared.

But in reality I should wait until he makes he first move. I don't entirely know his plans, I can't expect to die. I have to just play it out as time comes.

Ethan, in a sleepy state, turns around and curls up against me. His head ends up placed right under mine. The top of his head against my chin. His arm slung over my body. All I do is freeze. He isn't doing it on purpose. He's asleep.

I sigh and run my hand through his hair, slightly adjusting it better so it isn't tickling me. He lets out a small noise. Not a moan but not a whimper. Honestly, I don't know what it was.

"Slow your heart rate down. It's like you're running a marathon." Ethan mumbles very lowly.

I panic in that moment. He's awake. He 100% is aware I just ran my fingers through his hair. But it also means he knows exactly what he's doing. He's curled up against me, 100% consciously.

"Sorry." I whisper.

He makes an 'mhm' sound instead of speaking.

This man is going to be the death of me, maybe literally.

**A/N okay this is shorter than I wanted but I figured them falling asleep together was a good place to stop it rather than doing a whole time skip through the nap and all. You feel? **


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