Chapter Six

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•chapter six•
*Starts in Alex's POV and switches to Matthews then in the end back to Alex*

!! Alex's POV !!

I wake up to Nadine adjusting on my lap. I groggily look around. Matthew is on the other end of the couch, leaning to the side slightly. Nadine has her legs on his lap, her ass and torso on the couch between Matthew and I, and her head is on my lap.  Nadine genuinely look peaceful. I smile slightly as I watch her.

"It's creepy to watch people sleep." Matthew whispers.

I look at him and panic a little. He probably thinks I'm a creep starring at his 'sister'.

"It's alright. She wouldn't mind. She really likes you, you know?" He pauses. "As a friend obviously."

I nod.

"I have to go watch August today. I'll call you guys later?" He whispers.

I nod again. I don't want to wake her.

"I know how to adjust her without waking her fully so just remain still, okay?"

I don't bother nodding this time.

Matthew shakes her lightly. "Nadine." He whispers.


He picks up her legs and moves himself from under her. "Sit up a bit."

She moves a little and he guides her so her ass is against my leg, her knees are brought up and now at my side, and her head is on the arm rest of the couch facing me. Nadine is basically wrapped around me.

"Have fun." Matthew winks before walking away.

I lay my head back and soon fall asleep again.


Instead of awaking to Nadine adjusting, I awake to nothing. No one on me. Just me waking up on my own, alone.

"Nadine?" I call out.

"Kitchen." She yells, clearly something in her mouth though.

I get up, stretching before heading to the kitchen.

"Morning sleepyhead." She smiles before a spoonful of cereal is put in her mouth.

"Morning girl who likes to tangle herself around guys." I roll my eyes.

"Actually that was Matthew, nice try though!" She gets up and rinses her bowl and spoon, then puts it in the dishwasher.

"What are we doing today?" Nadine smiles.

"I'm not sure. I'm feeling kinda home sick but obviously I can't visit." I shrug.

"You could call?" She suggests.

"I guess. I will later. We could go get ice cream or something?"

"You haven't even had breakfast yet, Alex."

"I'll survive." I say, ignoring the fact I haven't had blood these past few days.

"Alex..." Nadine basically whines.

"Ice cream!" I put my fist in the air and smile, as if I were a champion of something.

Nadine rolls her eyes and puts her shoes on. "Ice cream right after breakfast. He's insane." She mumbles.

"I heard that!" I smile and put my shoes on before we walk out the door.

*Matthews POV*

August had gotten into his car after saying goodbye to Ethan. I made sure to stay out of view as I pulled out soon after. It's Sunday evening, he goes out every evening as I've noticed. But I have had yet to follow him. I'm usually caught up in other business, don't have time or get too scared to follow him. But this time I'm brave enough


After two hours of driving we finally arrive. It's some building. Surrounded by others so I can make it seem like I'm here for these other places. But there are a few other cars. August is clearly meeting someone. I get out and run. I get all the way around, to the side of the building. Staying out of view but close enough to hear the conversation.

"How is it with the human." A man asks.

"Fine." August rolls his eyes.

"And the vampire?"

"Out of the picture."

"You need to keep an eye on him Atticus!"

"Stop using that name! You know I go by August!" August.. or Atticus.. growls.

"Shut up. You follow our orders Atticus. August is simply a code name."

"Yeah. And after all of this I have to change it again. I've spent years on this mission. How much longer? He actually thinks we are getting married. He gets frustrated when I don't want to make wedding plans!"

"Just a little longer. We need more information on the vampire. We need his family. We need to find more of the vampires. We are going to cross breed. We are going to be powerful. And unless you suddenly decide you no longer want to be the first cross bred Vampire-Werewolf, you are going to continue this."

"You told me to make sure they won't be together. How do I do that when they aren't even friends!" August growls.

"You idiot. You kicked him out of the humans life to try and get more information. It's clear the human loved him. I thought he'd open up to you out of sadness but all that happened was him closing up. You need to act like you realised the vampire not being in his life was wrong. Get the vampire around more. Get the vampire to like you."

"He hates me."

"Make him like you. Treat Ethan like a God. The vampire will realise it's whats best for the little human."


"Excuse me?" The man growls.

"Yes sir." August backs up.

"End of the meeting. Visit us next week on an update. If nothing changes within a few weeks, we will change plans. Get out."

August scurries off to his car, gets in and drives off.

I stand there, stunned, for a minute. Some wicked plan. Finally I take off running for my car and head home. I should tell them immediately, but I need to process the information.

*Alex POV*

Nadine's phone rings while we are in the kitchen talking.
"It's Matthew." She says before hitting the green little button and putting it on speaker.

"I have some information on August. I need to speak with Alex."

"Sure come over." Nadine says in a hushed voice, likely surprised.

Yesterday Matthew spent the whole day away, supposedly 'stalking' August. I didn't expect to hear anything back. We haven't yet.

Matthew shows up within a few minutes. As if he were close before the call. But then again, I have no idea where he lives.

"Nadine, you cannot be here for this." Matthew mumbles.

"Why?" She asks, almost whining.

"It's not safe." Matthew eyes me up and down before stepping back, keeping a safe distance.

"I'm a vampire." I blurt. Matthew likely knew from the fear in his eyes. And when I say it, Matthews expression doesn't change. He found out somehow from 'stalking' August.

Nadine's mouth drops. "W-what?"

"A vampire. But not.. scary. I won't drink your blood or kill you and I don't sparkle in the sun."

"Can we discuss August now?" Matthew interrupts.

Both of us nod. And he explains everything he heard last night.


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