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The Next Morning: 

10:23 A.M.

Maddie's POV:

I was awake, but not really. I could hear everything that was going on around me, but I wasn't trying to really wake up. Billie's arm is wrapped around me, rubbing my side lightly. Our legs are tangled together and my head was rested on Billie's shoulder. I was recalling last night, in my head and I moved closer to her. She lightly laughed, I heard her phone lock and she placed it on her nightstand. 

Billie: "Maddie, wake up I'm bored."

Maddie: "Five more minutes."

Billie: "Bitch I'm bored."

I put my legs over Billie's, and then wrapped my arm around her stomach. So she couldn't move.

Billie: "What are you doing?" She said with a chuckle afterwards.

Maddie: "Holding you hostage so you keep cuddling me." 

Billie: "Who said I was gonna leave you here?"

Maddie: "No one, now my five minutes doesn't start until you stop talking."

Billie: "Whatever, it starts now."

Maddie: "Hmmm."

I could sense that Billie rolled her eyes. I wasn't asleep at all, I was wide awake. Billie's hand was on top of my hand, then I heard an alarm.

Maddie: "You really set a fucking alarm?"

Billie: "Now get up and entertain me!" She said whining.

I sat up and looked at her, she had the most precious smile on her face. Which it made me blush, I hid my face in her arm.

Billie: "Stop being cute, let's go do something."

Maddie: "What do you wanna do?"

Billie: "Anything except be here."

Maddie: "Let's go shopping."

Billie: "I mean I guess, you don't have anything you have to do today?"

Maddie: "I have a meeting at 5:30, but that's it."

Billie: "Okay, let's go."

Maddie: "I have to get ready." I said laughing.

Billie: "Omg, we're about to here until noon." She rolled her eyes. 

I looked at my phone, and noticed the time was 10:45

Maddie: "We'll be out of here by 11, I promise."

Billie: "Pinky promise." She held her pink out, and I locked mine with hers. We both smiled at the gesture. 

11:03 AM

Billie's POV:

I was downstairs scrolling on my phone, and I looked at the time to see that Maddie is not down here. She broke her pinky promise. I rushed up the stairs, skipping every other one. I opened the door to see her grabbing her phone from my bed. 

Billie: "It's 11:03, you broke your promise." I said being sarcastic.

Maddie: "I'm sorry, I'll have to make it up to you." She said with the same sarcasm I had in my voice. 

We walked to my car and then got in it, we headed to the mall. Somehow the paparazzi already knew I was coming.

Billie: "Oh my fucking god, you have got to be kidding me."

Maddie: "What?"

Billie: "The paparazzi is here waiting for me."

Maddie: "We can go somewhere else, if you want."

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