- N i n e t y s i x -

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Maddie's POV:

Billie should be here at one to start heading to San Fransisco and let me tell you, I'm nervous as fuck for this bullshit. Let me catch you up, my brother called me saying that there's a letter from my mom addressed to me. Now I know what you're thinking, they could just mail it and I could avoid all the trouble of going out there. But deep down I wanna see them, just to see how they're doing without me.

I was lost in my thoughts, while they key hole starting jiggling.

Billie: "Hey shorty, you ready to go?"


Maddie: "Sure, let's get this over with."

Billie walks over to me, and engulfs me in a hug. She could tell that I needed the hug because she didn't let go until I did.

Maddie: "Tank you babies."

Billie: "You know what I would say right now, but you're welcome."

Maddie: "I love you."

Billie chuckled. "I love you too Maddie." 

Billie grabbed the bag that I had packed, we weren't planning on staying for long. I know Billie's going to ask about my family and I really don't wanna answer, but she deserves to know.

I followed her to the car, I put one leg up in the seat and rest my head against it. I didn't sleep last night, strictly because I couldn't.

Billie: "Are you hungry shorty?"

Maddie: "No, I'm okay."

Billie: "You're not okay, but okay."

Maddie: "No I'm not okay, but I'm not hungry."

Billie: "Just a question is your stepsisters last name the same as yours?"

Maddie: "Mhm, why?"

Billie: "She followed me on Instagram this morning."

Maddie: "Perfect."

Billie grabbed my hand and laced out fingers together, I smiled at the gesture.

Billie: "When we're there, if there's anything you can't handle. Like squeeze my hand three times or something okay?"

I nodded because I really liked that idea.

She mapped what I told her to map and her jaw dropped.

Billie: "It's bout to be like 8 hours bro."

Maddie: "Well I can't fly so."

Billie: "Shit okay."

She started driving.

Around 7 hours later.


are y'all still awake? We're here.

Yeah, dad's in the living room and Lexis is upstairs and im in the kitchen, you want me to let you in?

nah I got this.


Read at 8:47PM

Bro, omg I'm so fucking nervous. Billie grabbed my hand and walked squeezed it. She pulled me in and placed a slow kiss on my lips.

Billie: "Remember shorty, I'm not going to fuck you over. You have me and you're going to keep me."

Maddie: "I know."

I smiled at her and got out of the car. I walked up the path, and Billie followed me. She stayed behind me on the path, as I knocked I heard the T.V. turn off. I panicked and got nervous.

Maddie: "I love you Billie."

Billie: "I love you too Maddie." 

I was standing there fiddling with my ring finger. My leg was bouncing up and down in place, I shouldn't have came.

My dad opened the door, and his jaw dropped.

Dad: "Mad- Maddie?"

Maddie: "Yes, I'm here."

He pulled me into a hug, no matter how dirty he did me. He still is my father and technically he's still in charge of me. But I made sure that ship sailed long ago.

Dad: "Come in, we need to talk."

Maddie: "Okay, this is Billie. She's my girlfriend, Billie this is my father."

She could tell I was not feeling it, she caught up behind and I whispered in her ear "Steer clear of Alexis." She nodded and I walked to the kitchen to be met with my brother Gavin.

Gavin: "Maddie! It's so good to see you, how are you doing?"

Maddie: "Good and bad."

No matter what, I could always talk to Gavin like nothing was wrong. He's so mature for his age and I really admire that for everything that he's been through.

Gavin: "What do you mean?"

Maddie: "I'm happy in LA, I'm sad here."

Gavin: "No offense, but I'm sure you wanna get out of here as soon as possible. So let's go upstairs and let me give you what you're here for."

Maddie: "Sounds like a bet."

Gavin and I walked out of the kitchen to see my dad and Billie talking, I hope she doesn't get attached.

Gavin led me into my parents room, I haven't been in here in years. Gavin walked over to the dresser and pulled this letter out of the box.

Gavin: "Read it when you get home."

Maddie: "Did you read it?"

He shook his head.

I looked at the envelope and it looked a couple years old, it said 'Madison' as much as I hate when people call me by my real name my mom, was the only one that got away with it, it was almost like our own little thing.

I start to tear up at my thought, but quickly changed what I was thinking about so Gavin wouldn't pity me. I can handle Billie pitying me, but my own family shouldn't pity me. Because they signed me up for this bullshit. 

I put the letter in my bag so Billie doesn't see it, because she'll give me a million reasons on why I should open it right now. I know every one in this house knows what this letter says, but I don't.

Gavin and I walk back downstairs, Billie is sitting on the two person couch. My dad sitting in the rocking chair, I also noticed the dog is gone. So were just not going to think about that, Alexis is nowhere to be seen though so I cannot wait for her to come in and fuck my shit up somehow again.

Gavin took a seat in the recliner and I took a seat really close to Billie, she wrapped her arm around my waist and connected our hands. She was ready to go any second and like same.

Dad: "Maddie, you know there's nothing that I can say about what happened and what we put you through. At the time Alexis was really misbehaved and we couldn't control and you know that."

Maddie: "Damn you must still not be able to control her."

My dad looked down, knowing damn well I'm right. He never really had any control.

My dad inhaled like he was going to say something, then I feel Billie shift uncomfortably towards me. I turn around to look at her, and I see Alexis smirking at her. I'm about to lose my shit.

Maddie: "Why the fuck are you such a bitch?"

Gavin: "Chill, chill, chill. Remember why you're here. You're not here for her. She's just trying to get a show outa you and it's working."

Maddie: "Why can't you ever let me have something? Why can't you let me be happy?"

Alexis: "Don't act like you're so innocent bitch, you know you're the reason she's dead."

I'm sorry, pardon? 



thanks ily

words: 1180

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