- S e v e n t y s e v e n -

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Once I started driving I put my hand on her knee, that was up in the air. She laced our fingers together and put her leg down, she smiled at our hands.

Maddie was dozing off every couple of minutes, I don't blame her. I'm literally about to die from how fucking tired I am. Maddie rested her head against the seat and she exhaled, we were waiting to order at Starbucks.

Maddie: "I'mma tell you."

Did I hear her correctly?

I looked at her.

Billie: "Now?"

Maddie: "No, I don't know when and I don't know how. But you can't fuck up enough for me not to tell you, I'm the only one that can fuck this up."

I looked at her because I know she was being serious.

Billie: "You're not going to fuck this up."

Maddie: "You wanna bet?"

Billie: "No, I don't because I don't care how you tell me or when you tell me. You could wake me up at 3am and tell me that you're ready and I'd listen, and you know that. You have nothing to be worried about, you trust me and I trust you."

She was playing with the rings on my fingers, I pull up to the window the barista hands me Maddie's order. She didn't try to fight me on paying, she didn't have the energy for that. I handed her her coffee and the bag that had her cake-pop in it, she put her coffee in the cup holder and then she un-laced our hands and started to eat her cake-pop but I left my hand resting on her thigh. 

We drove in silence until we were almost to the airport.

Maddie: "Will you keep my keys?"

Billie: "Yeah."

She took her keys out of her bag and handed them to me, I put them in my pocket while I turned the corner to drop her off at the airport. We both got out of the car, I got her suitcase out of the trunk and set it upright on the ground.

She hugged me, her head was rested on my chest and her arms were connected behind my back.

Billie: "I love you, be safe. Text me when you land."

Maddie: "I love you too, I'll text you when I land and then by then I'll know when I come back." She placed a quick kiss on my lips before pulling the handle out of her suitcase. I watched her walk in the door, she turned around to see if I was still there and I was. She mouthed "I love you." And she blew me a kiss. 

I drove back home, I'm so fucking tired. But I'm not going to sleep until Maddie texts me and tells me that she's landed. I walked in the door and the first person I saw was Finneas.

Finneas: "How'd it go?"

Billie: "You missed out on a lot dude omg."

Finneas: "Ouh spill."

Billie: "Okay so I went over there, I had to pick at her for her to tell me what was wrong. She finally told me, then I told her what you told me. I posted the Instagram story and shit's starting to die down, but we had a lot of deep conversations last night. She did a lot of the talking, she was talking about how her life is falling apart, how she claims that she's the reason for every problem that I have then I said that she's never been loved properly. She said I was right, then I got a little more information on her ex." 

Finneas: "What happened after her party?"

I am big caught.

Billie: "Oop."

Finneas: "You guys are cute."

I rolled my eyes.

Billie: "I have to pick her up at the airport tomorrow."

Our Time (BILLIE EILISH)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang