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'Hello Khloe Quinn of Quinn's speaking how can I help you?" I heard a very strong Irish accent over the phone.

"Hello, I'm just ringing to make an enquiry. My friend is getting married and she would love if you could plan her wedding but we would like it to be a surprise for her. Could you do that?" I said.

"We can do that, I can hear a very accent so I can assume the wedding isn't in Ireland?" She asked picking up on my voice straight away.

"That's correct, we're actually from London which isn't too far from. Myself and the groom can fly over to Belfast to go over the details if necessary?" I said politely

"That's great, I'm booked up for the next month, if we say the 13th October at 3pm? I assume by having my number you know where my office is?" She asked.

"Yes we do, that's perfect, see you then Miss Quinn" I said before handing up.

No we don't know where the office is but that's what Kid is for, he is our tech guy.


Her voice calmed all of my nerves, I've never even met the woman and I'm already trying to picture what she looks like.

I knows Ghost will be happy that I've managed to book an appointment now we just have to arrange to get there, Belfast isn't that far from here but with work and the club we will need to book time off.

We've been to Belfast plenty of times, Killer like to go a few times a year before he stopped about 2 years ago, he always said he was 'looking' for someone but never told us who.

'Hey Ghost?' I said finally catching up with him.

'Yeah?' He said.

'So I rung that planner, we have an appointment on the 3rd October at 3pm' I said making sure he understands.

'Great, thanks man.' He said.

'She sounded really young? Are you sure it's the same person.' I asked him.

'Yeah, Jodie tells me all the time the woman started her own business straight out of university, rich parents or something I think, as soon as her name comes up my mind shuts down.' He said laughing.

'Oh how the rich live.' I said which made us both laugh.

Yes we both have money but not that we would class ourselves as rich, we have nice savings.

Can't live this life with no money.

Just because I'm in a motorcycle club doesn't mean I don't want a family, wife and kids the lot.

I just haven't found the right person for me, I thought I did once but I found out she was only with me because I had money. I'm glad I found out before I bought the ring and not after.

My family never liked her, that should of been the first hint that something was wrong as my family don't judge but I was just too blind to see what an evil bitch she really was. Lucky escape i always say.


Keeping a secret from Jodie is normally very easy, but when she none stops goes on about this woman it's a bit hard to tell her to shut up, I know Ghost has struggled with not telling her.

They have no secrets between them which is great. But I know how tempting it is to tell her that we booked the woman so she can stop ranting and raving about her being booked up.

It's been a month since the phone call and when we mentioned it to Killer he said we can take all the time we need but to make sure the woman knows that we are a club and what she'll be getting into when planning.

I think that he says that because he doesn't want to get Jodie's dreams come true for the woman to cancel when she realises that we are a club and we are proud of being part of a family, even if people don't see it like that.

It took us an hour and a half to actually get to Belfast then we travelled to the centre as that is where her office is, we didn't think we would be very long here so we only booked the hotel for the night.

When 2:30 rolled around we started to make our way to her office to see if she's as good as Jodie says or we set ourselves up for a failure.

When we actually arrived at the building we was surprised, it wasn't a big building block or even tall. It looks like a converted warehouse, which made us think we definitely got the wrong place.

'Are you sure this is it?' I said confused.

'This is the address Jodie had written down in her wedding book.' Ghost sighed and knocked on the door

'I still can't believe you stole her planner, she's going to kill you when she finds out.' I said laughing at him.

'I hope nobody dies before I can plan a wedding?' A sweet voice travelled over my laughter making us look at her.

She was drop dead beautiful.

'Well? Are you my appointment or do I have to get security?' She said raising an eyebrow at us.

'No, no security. We have a 3pm with Khloe?' Ghost said.

'That's me, your the lovely gentleman from the phone?' She asked.

'No that's me, this is my best friend Kane he is the one getting married.' I said patting him on the back.

'Right! Come in lads, have a beer or a tea whatever you fancy and we can get planning, I heard you took a planner from your fiancé?' She said amused at the thought.

'Well take a beer please, and yes Jodie his fiancé is going to kill him.' I said laughing which she smiled at.

'Right follow me, Charlie can you get these lads some beers please?' She said to a woman we walked past who nodded at her.

'Now. Let's get down to business shall we?' She said with a grin.

Don't forget.




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